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 dowager ['dauədʒə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 继承遗产或爵位的寡妇

[法] 受有亡失遗产的寡, 妇寡君贵妇人

  1. When the Dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade.
  2. T: The summer residence of the Empress Dowager? That would be nice. We've heard so much about it. How about it, Smith?
  3. Melbourne-- dear old dowager of the south sitting on the banks of a river which flows upside-down( with the mud on top)?

[ noun ]
a widow holding property received from her deceased husband

Dowager \Dow"a*ger\, n. [OF. douagiere, fr. douage dower. See
1. (Eng. Law) A widow endowed, or having a jointure; a widow
who either enjoys a dower from her deceased husband, or
has property of her own brought by her to her husband on
marriage, and settled on her after his decease. --Blount.

2. A title given in England to a widow, to distinguish her
from the wife of her husband's heir bearing the same name;
-- chiefly applied to widows of personages of rank.

With prudes for proctors, dowagers for deans.

{Queen dowager}, the widow of a king.

  1. Osteoporosis results in a loss of bone density and can lead to bone fractures and spinal problems like dowager's hump.
  2. Myra Carter, as the dowager herself, is mercurial - girlish, then dottily forgetful, then fiendishly cruel.
  3. Most common in women, it can lead to spinal crush fractures that cause dowager's hump and pain, said Johnston.
  4. With Princess Michiko becoming the new empress, Hirohito's wife, Nagako, 85, becomes empress dowager.
  5. Wood said good mineral density was important, especially for women, because it helped prevent problems like dowager's hump or osteoporosis.
  6. Shutterless and shaded by flowering trees, the neoclassical mansion, adorned with columns, grillwork and an elegant balustrade, suggests a dowager down on her luck.
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