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 dowdy ['daʊdɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 过时的, 懒散的

n. 懒散女人, 邋遢女人

  1. A dowdy gray outfit.
  2. You really don't like a village girl although you said you dress dowdy.
  3. This happened to poor Catherine of Braganza at her wedding to Charles II of Britain in1662, when her pink farthingale was castigated as dowdy.

dowdier, dowdiest
[ noun ]
  1. British marshal of the RAF who commanded the British air defense forces that defeated the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain (1882-1970)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust

  4. <noun.food>
[ adj ]
  1. lacking in smartness or taste

  2. <adj.all>
    a dowdy grey outfit
    a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room
  3. primly out of date

  4. <adj.all>
    nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game

Dowdy \Dow"dy\, a. [Compar. {Dowdier}; superl. {Dowdiest}.]
[Scot. dawdie slovenly, daw, da sluggard, drab, Prov. E. dowd
flat, dead.]
Showing a vulgar taste in dress; awkward and slovenly in
dress; vulgar-looking. -- {Dow"di*ly}, adv. -- {Dow"di*ness},

Dowdy \Dow"dy\, n.; pl. {Dowdies}.
An awkward, vulgarly dressed, inelegant woman. --Shak.

  1. A counselor, concluding that man and wife were bored, told her to fix herself up (she was dowdy) and told him to add romance to the relationship. Candlelight dinners and flowers were part of the prescription.
  2. And although most are beautiful, there are one or two that are distinctly dowdy. Two daphnes grow wild in Britain.
  3. They say the electronics retailer rigidly stuck with its dowdy Realistic, Archer and other house brands with little attempt to provide selection or discount pricing, in a market where the most-popular brands were engaged in a frenzied price war.
  4. Nevertheless, most designers aren't playing up the synthetic content because they realize man-made fibers still have a dowdy image with some consumers.
  5. In fact, they seemed dowdy and deserted, in need of a window-washing and a coat of paint.
  6. She even asked for one to play the dowdy spinster in Summer And Smoke.
  7. Too much of Ward's merchandise is dowdy, Mr. Brennan says, and the company doesn't carry enough national brands in its children's department.
  8. Mergers account for half the total, but many industrial companies are dumping dowdy smokestack names for made-up words that sound like new planets or distant galaxies.
  9. "I think we're ready to discard the old images of Russian women as dowdy, industrial, manual-laboring peasants in shapeless gray dresses," Nussbaum said.
  10. But he added that new styles and selections at Lerner have eliminated what he considers the stores' dowdy, "for your penance, go into a Lerner" look.
  11. From Italy, Titian's glowing "Lady at Her Toilet" is a chic opposite to the Louvre's most famous resident, Leonardo da Vinci's dowdy Mona Lisa.
  12. And for religious women, that once meant settling for dowdy clothes.
  13. Are they metaphorical stand-ins for the poor woman? There's a giddy vulnerability to Smith's performance, and she undergoes a remarkable physical transformation _ from dowdy old lady to understanding older woman _ between the play's two acts.
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