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 dowel ['dauәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 销子, 木钉

vt. 用暗销接合

[医] 桩

    [ noun ]
    a fastener that is inserted into holes in two adjacent pieces and holds them together

    Dowel \Dow"el\, n. [Cf. G. d["o]bel peg, F. douelle state of a
    cask, surface of an arch, douille socket, little pipe,
    cartridge.] (Mech.)
    1. A pin, or block, of wood or metal, fitting into holes in
    the abutting portions of two pieces, and being partly in
    one piece and partly in the other, to keep them in their
    proper relative position.

    2. A piece of wood driven into a wall, so that other pieces
    may be nailed to it.

    {Dowel joint}, a joint secured by a dowel or dowels.

    {Dowel pin}, a dowel. See {Dowel}, n., 1.

    Dowel \Dow"el\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Doweled}or {Dowelled}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Doweling} or {Dowelling}.]
    To fasten together by dowels; to furnish with dowels; as, a
    cooper dowels pieces for the head of a cask.

    1. 'The aim must be to deter thieves by early warning and giving them insufficient time to complete the theft.' He recommends measures such as securing the statue with a stainless steel dowel attached to a concrete block below ground level.
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