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 dissonance ['dɪsənəns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不和谐音, 不一致, 不调和, 刺耳的声音

[医] 不谐和

  1. Dissonance in some intervals of a keyboard instrument tuned to a system of unequal temperament.
  2. Dissonance among the three partners doomed the project.
  3. The concerts were more enjoyable without all the horrid modern dissonance which nobody really understood.

[ noun ]
  1. a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters

  2. <noun.state>
  3. the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience

  4. <noun.cognition>
    modern music is just noise to me
  5. disagreeable sounds

  6. <noun.attribute>

Dissonance \Dis"so*nance\, n. [L. dissonantia: cf. F.
1. A mingling of discordant sounds; an inharmonious
combination of sounds; discord.

Filled the air with barbarous dissonance. --Milton.

2. Want of agreement; incongruity. --Milton.

  1. If it is not healed soon, the orchestration for a smooth Bush summit meeting in Brussels May 29-30 with the leaders of the 15 other NATO countries could dissolve into dissonance.
  2. Thisfelt dissonance instilled a strangeness in me, a thread I can only touch in my work."
  3. Because of that, the dissonance that creeps into both sides' rhetoric is almost always balanced with at least a token note of respect for the adversary.
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