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 dissuade [dɪ'swed]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 劝阻

[法] 劝阻, 劝止

  1. They try to dissuade her to do that.
  2. The police managed to dissuade him from jumping off the building.
  3. She tried to dissuade her son from marrying the girl.

[ verb ]
turn away from by persuasion
<verb.communication> deter
Negative campaigning will only dissuade people

Dissuade \Dis*suade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dissuaded}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Dissuading}.] [L. dissuadere, dissuasum; dis- +
suadere to advise, persuade: cf. F. dissuader. See
1. To advise or exhort against; to try to persuade (one from
a course). [Obsolescent]

Mr. Burchell, on the contrary, dissuaded her with
great ardor: and I stood neuter. --Goldsmith.

War, therefore, open or concealed, alike
My voice dissuades. --Milton.

2. To divert by persuasion; to turn from a purpose by reasons
or motives; -- with from; as, I could not dissuade him
from his purpose.

I have tried what is possible to dissuade him.
--Mad. D'

  1. So authorities are now mulling using a sticky paste to dissuade the birds from roosting at hangers at an airpark.
  2. In the merchant-banking sector, the diversified character of some firms may dissuade buyers: UBS backed away from Hill Samuel because the big Swiss bank didn't want Hill Samuel's insurance, ship-broking and other units.
  3. The group also had its insurance units suspended, fueling speculation that it planned to ally these units with a big institution or group of institutions to help dissuade recent unwelcome interest in its stock.
  4. The school's single-sex status did not dissuade him. "It was just an interesting factor." The first few months, however, were tough.
  5. For example, he believes that Alexander Haig's frantic shuttle diplomacy at the start of the Falkland Islands crisis may have backfired by convincing the Argentine generals that America's equivocations would dissuade Britain from going to war.
  6. A lower dollar could dissuade foreign investors from increasing their holdings of dollar-denominated investments.
  7. Drug traffickers are trying to dissuade the Colombian government from extraditing suspects to the United States.
  8. But a State Department official, refusing to be identified by name, said the U.S. ambassador had tried to dissuade the Americans from meeting with Arafat.
  9. The minister of foreign trade, Zheng Tuobin, appeared on the streets to try to dissuade the marchers, who ignored his appeal to stop and marched on.
  10. George Bush's convention generals said they tried but failed to dissuade former rival Alexander M. Haig Jr. from delivering a sharp, personal attack on Michael Dukakis in the convention's opening hours.
  11. Parry said clubs were being forced not only to invest in their grounds but to dissuade players from accepting the 'crazy money' offered by Italian clubs.
  12. Even if they lose in court, they figure, they may dissuade someone else from trying the same thing.
  13. Union officials have not sanctioned the strike and say they have tried to dissuade protesters from violence or mass demonstrations.
  14. By pushing share prices up, they have been able to winkle out tightly-held quality scrip from local institutions. On the economic front, there is little bad news to dissuade them.
  15. Donald McFarlan, the editor of the Guinness book, said he tried to dissuade the Shergolds from their record bid and warned them that it would spiral out of control.
  16. The attack was typical of actions carried out by the Shining Path, which hopes to dissuade peasants, through terror, from taking up arms against it.
  17. It's quite another to try to dissuade Iraq from crushing its Kurdish minority, reportedly with devastating dosages of chemical weapons.
  18. Mrs. Mitterrand said she visited the camps, despite attempts by Turkish authorities to dissuade her, and encountered "dreadful" living conditions at the barbed-wire enclosures where more than 30,000 Kurdish refugees are incarcerated.
  19. PWLB lending counts towards the UK's Public Sector Borrowing Requirement, so rates have been pushed up to dissuade authorities from tapping the public purse.
  20. He estimated the higher prices will dissuade 100,000 Canadian teen-agers from smoking.
  21. "I do not believe that `to dissuade by fear' is acceptable Christian behaviour when one is considering the ultimate fear of complete destruction," Barrett said.
  22. A Placer Dome official said the company is concerned that the OSC hearings and delay of the bidding deadline could dissuade other would-be bidders from proceeding.
  23. Fed spokesman declined to comment on whether the lawmakers' criticism of the proposal would dissuade the agency from proceeding with its proposed rule.
  24. Nunn argued that the measure would strengthen the NATO position in conventional arms reduction talks with the Warsaw Pact nations and dissuade U.S. allies from unilateral reductions before an agreement is reached.
  25. "Ten more months and I can start going to church again," he declared, explaining that he would then be free of the Secret Service brigade and press circus that dissuade him from attending worship now.
  26. At congressional hearings last year, then-SEC Chairman John Shad tried to dissuade legislators from increasing regulation of financial planners, saying the SEC's estimate of only $90 million a year in fraud didn't justify it.
  27. Alas, when it comes to seafood, nothing I say or do can dissuade a local resident from the deep-rooted belief that only in Hong Kong can one eat proper seafood.
  28. Republicans would try to attach a capital-gains provision to that legislation, hoping the political popularity of its other two parts would dissuade Democrats from blocking it.
  29. Numerous editorialists have argued that such a deal would make it difficult for Australia to dissuade small South Pacific countries from involving themselves with the U.S.S.R.
  30. They called it a staged "attack on themselves" intended to dissuade the U.S. Congress from approving new aid for the rebels.
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