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 dissonant ['disәnәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不和谐的, 刺耳的, 不一致的

  1. However, the dissonant nature of the high level of electricity within them is too dissonant for the magnetic nature of the Great Central Sun.
  2. For that which enters and rides this journey into the Great Central Sun, the belt itself strives to push from its skin all that is dissonant.
  3. As a result of the experimentation of the Grays and Reptilians upon mankind, many dissonant souls remaining upon Earth come from such experiences.

[ adj ]
  1. characterized by musical dissonance; harmonically unresolved

  2. <adj.all>
  3. lacking in harmony

  4. <adj.all>
  5. not in accord

  6. <adj.all>
    desires at variance with his duty
    widely discrepant statements

Dissonant \Dis"so*nant\, a. [L. dissonans, -antis, p. pr. of
dissonare to disagree in sound, be discordant; dis- + sonare
to sound: cf. F. dissonant. See {Sonant}.]
1. Sounding harshly; discordant; unharmonious.

With clamor of voices dissonant and loud.

2. Disagreeing; incongruous; discrepant, -- with from or to.
``Anything dissonant to truth.'' --South.

What can be dissonant from reason and nature than
that a man, naturally inclined to clemency, should
show himself unkind and inhuman? --Hakewill.

  1. "The last minutes of the celebration were somewhat marred by the actions of certain people, actions which were dissonant with the general mood," the newscast said.
  2. The driving bass lines, joyous percussion and wailing saxophone join with the Queens' playful, sometimes dissonant, harmonizing to make an uplifting sound designed for dancing.
  3. A brilliant selection of music includes pieces such as "Cabaret" to accompany her "dress-up-for-a-party" scene and Philip Glass's dissonant "Knee 5" for her mechanical movements of marriage and motherhood.
  4. The second is more determinedly serious, more abstract and dissonant - neo-modernist.
  5. He later developed a more chromatic and often dissonant style.
  6. Lloyd spins around on his piano bench and begins fingering rich, warm, sometimes dissonant chord progressions.
  7. The title refers to the second symphony's scherzo, whose pounding, dissonant climaxes apparently struck first audiences as bafflingly avant-garde.
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