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 disorganized [dis'ɔ:gənaizd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 紊乱的,无组织的,杂乱无章的

  1. She's so disorganized she never gets anything done.
    她太缺乏条理了, 什麽事也做不成.
  2. Lacking order, system, or unity; disorganized.

[ adj ]
lacking order or methodical arrangement or function
a disorganized enterprisea thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose
she was too disorganized to be an agreeable roommate

Disorganize \Dis*or"gan*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Disorganized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disorganizing}.] [Pref. dis-
+ organize: cf. F. d['e]sorganiser.]
To destroy the organic structure or regular system of (a
government, a society, a party, etc.); to break up (what is
organized); to throw into utter disorder; to disarrange.

Lyford . . . attempted to disorganize the church.

  1. Software engineering is intended to replace disorganized methods of software-writing that have led to chaotic, unmanageable and failure-prone programs for large computers.
  2. The political and economic chaos that is wracking the Soviet Union could easily yield up a new Stalin capable of intimidating a future disarmed and disorganized western Europe.
  3. The escapees told the newspaper that the Iraqi army was generally very disorganized, with some of the troops as young as 17 or 18.
  4. The depression that became Helene seemed disorganized when it formed two days ago, but satellite photos showed circulation improved.
  5. Then, the religious right was so disparate and disorganized it didn't even have a name.
  6. "About three years ago, I realized my office was just piled high and very disorganized and time was getting tighter and tighter," said Wolf. "So out of the blue he calls and says, `How would you like to get your time more organized?'
  7. Left behind in the hysteria of the disorganized evacuation were more than 400 friends and allies of the United States, including Vietnamese embassy employees and their families.
  8. "It would be very tragic if people were to rush back in a disorganized way," Sadruddin said at the end of his day in Kabul, the first stop on a tour that will include Pakistan and Iran.
  9. She recalls with dismay an untidy, disorganized Miss America, and the one or two Miss Americas who, if you weren't talking about them, weren't listening.
  10. They always appear to be somewhat disorganized in the very beginning and then everything seems to fall in place." Murphy said his network has rejected some of its assigned hotel rooms because they are not close enough for key personnel.
  11. It's the most screwed up, disorganized organization I've even been associated with." National Guard Sgt. Gerald McCormick's wife is expecting their first child in December.
  12. The opposition to the American military takeover in the capital city was mostly disorganized, said Bennett, but some Noriega military units remained in the countryside and would have to be dealt with.
  13. Normally a disorganized lot, they formed a loose alliance called the City Climbers Club of New York to lobby parks officials to call off the troops.
  14. The panel said the state and federal emergency response to the TMI accident was disorganized, and called for increased training of nuclear plant operators.
  15. With one stroke Mr. Mitterrand had defended the constitution and shored up his credibility on the left, left Mr. Chirac looking disorganized, and effectively left the Renault bill to be decided by the next president.
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