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 disorient [dɪs'ɔrɪ`ɛnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使失去方向, 使迷惑

  1. The condition of being confused or disoriented.
  2. These methods all disorient the mind and trick the subconscious into tuning into another part of the astral.
  3. There are various techniques for this but they all involve some way to disorient the subconscious mind, tricking it into moving you into a different Astral reality.

[ verb ]
cause to be lost or disoriented
<verb.perception> disorientate

Disorient \Dis*o"ri*ent\, v. t.
1. To turn away from the east; to confuse as to which way is
east; to cause to lose one's bearings. [R.] --Bp.

2. to cause (a person) to lose one's sense of direction; to
cause to lose one's bearings or way; as, the tourist was
disoriented by the winding and narrow streets.

3. (Psychiatry) to cause one to lose one's sense of time or
place, or of one's own personal identity.

4. to confuse (a person) by changing or removing something
which has served as a standard or guide to action; as,
workers were rendered unemployed and disoriented by the
rapid changes in the markets.

  1. Deputies lobbed "flash-bang" grenades to disorient the man, and Deputy Jim Harrell leaped over a counter and wrestled the gunman to the ground.
  2. The U.S. military said the F-117 was used because it can bomb accurately and that 2,000-pound weapons were dropped to "stun and disorient." They did.
  3. But the Wisconsin Democrat was highly critical of the Pentagon's decision to deploy the F-117A stealth fighter to drop two 2,000-pound bombs near infantry barracks at Rio Hato to "stun, disorient and confuse" troops loyal to Noriega.
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