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 disparage [dis'pæridʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 蔑视, 贬损

[法] 轻视, 贬低, 诽谤

  1. I disparage his work.
  2. The woman always disparages my achievements.
  3. Those who disparage Brutus are talking of his shadow.

[ verb ]
express a negative opinion of
<verb.communication> belittle pick at
She disparaged her student's efforts

Disparage \Dis"pa*rage`\, n.
Inequality in marriage; marriage with an inferior. [Obs.]

Dissuaded her from such a disparage. --Spenser.

Disparage \Dis*par"age\ (?; 48), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Disparaged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disparaging}.] [OF.
desparagier, F. d['e]parager, to marry unequally; pref. des-
(L. dis-) + F. parage extraction, lineage, from L. par equal,
peer. See {Peer}.]
1. To match unequally; to degrade or dishonor by an unequal
marriage. [Obs.]

Alas! that any of my nation
Should ever so foul disparaged be. --Chaucer.

2. To dishonor by a comparison with what is inferior; to
lower in rank or estimation by actions or words; to speak
slightingly of; to depreciate; to undervalue.

Those forbidding appearances which sometimes
disparage the actions of men sincerely pious. --Bp.

Thou durst not thus disparage glorious arms.

Syn: To decry; depreciate; undervalue; underrate; cheapen;
vilify; reproach; detract from; derogate from; degrade;
debase. See {Decry}.

  1. He also attempted to disparage the evidence against the traders that will be presented by two other Swiss franc traders, Mark Fuhrman and William Walsh.
  2. Windhoek Regional Court Judge J.S. Verwey ruled Tuesday that Scott Stanley, head of the conservative American Press International, was guilty of violating a law that makes it a crime to "insult, disparage or belittle," the election commission.
  3. He says he has overheard other attorneys disparage him.
  4. Schneider emphasized that his decision was not intended to disparage the creative talent of Eddie Murphy, who said he wrote the script.
  5. Victor Navasky, editor of The Nation, does not disparage the bogeyman theory, noting: "What's bad for the country is good for The Nation."
  6. Tony Costa, a director of the Cuban American National Foundation, which has spoken against the retrieval of nationalized properties, said the registry will be used by the Castro government to disparage exiles.
  7. In saying so, I don't mean to disparage the older play or this production, but rather to suggest that "Sight Unseen" deserves wider attention than it is likely to get in this locale, even though its run has been extended.
  8. In one breath they disparage him as a crony of the unpopular Mr. Chun, but in the next moment they see Mr. Roh, head of the ruling Democratic Justice Party, as a rising star.
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