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 dewy ['dju:i]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 露湿的, 带露水的, 如露的

  1. She looked at him all dewy-eyed with love.
  2. A dewy morning.
  3. She looked at him all dewy-eyed with love.

dewier, dewiest
[ adj ]
wet with dew

Dewy \Dew"y\, a.
1. Pertaining to dew; resembling, consisting of, or moist
with, dew.

A dewy mist
Went and watered all the ground. --Milton.

When dewy eve her curtain draws. --Keble.

2. Falling gently and beneficently, like the dew.

Dewy sleep ambrosial. --Cowper.

3. (Bot.) Resembling a dew-covered surface; appearing as if
covered with dew.

  1. The British terminal may be seen, or at least imagined, below a ledge of dewy grass near Dover, dotted with poppies and daisies, with church spires in one direction and the white cliffs in another.
  2. The institution, not its component teams or parks, gets me every time, and the reasons have nothing to do with any dewy stuff about hope springing eternal in my ball-fan's breast.
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