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 Dexedrine ['deksәdri:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (药)右旋苯异丙胺

[医] 右旋苯异丙胺(商品名)

    [ noun ]
    an isomer of amphetamine (trade name Dexedrine) used as a central nervous system stimulant

    Dexedrine \Dexedrine\ n.
    an isomer of amphetamine used as a central nervous system
    stimulant (Dexedrine is a trademark).

    Syn: dextroamphetamine sulphate.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. But in July, Air Force officials acknowledged that some pilots use the amphetamine Dexedrine.
    2. Tuesday night's broadcast, by ARD television network, said U.S. Air Force pilots assigned to West Germany take the drug dextroamphetamine Dexedrine to increase their alertness while in flight.
    3. The ARD report also said pilots then take the sedative Seconal at night to counteract the effects of Dexedrine.
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