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 Dexia 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Yves Leterme, the caretaker prime minister of fellow Dexia shareholder Belgium, summoned core cabinet members to an emergency evening meeting to discuss the bank's problems.
    同为Dexia股东的比利时,其看守内阁总理Yves Leterme也在晚间召集内阁核心成员召开紧急会议,讨论该银行的问题.
  2. Investors pegged losses to the sharp fall in Franco-Belgian financial group Dexia, which fell 10 percent after a Moody's warning about its liquidity due to concerns about exposure to Greece.
    穆迪对法国-比利时金融集团Dexia (DEXI.BR: 行情)的流动性提出警告,因担心该行对希腊的敞口,该股暴跌10%,拖累此间市场大跌.
  3. A number of French, Italian and other European banks, including bailed-out Franco-Belgian lender Dexia SA, recently have entered into such transactions, according to people familiar with the matter.
    知情人士说,法国、意大利和欧洲其他一些国家的多家银行最近都曾参与这类交易,其中包括接受过援助的法国-比利时银行Dexia SA。

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