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 dalton ['dɔltn.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 道尔顿(质量单位,等于一氧原子的1/16)

[医] 道尔顿(质量单位)

  1. Dalton Russell: Don't I sound calm to you?
  2. Dalton Russell: I'm just saying, money can't buy love.
  3. Mrs. Dalton, trying to grope her way toward a sense of decency, wanted him to go to school and learn a trade.

[ noun ]
English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures; gave the first description of red-green color blindness (1766-1844)

Microcrith \Mi`cro*crith"\, n. [Micro- + crith.] (Chem.)
The weight of the half hydrogen molecule, or of the hydrogen
atom, at one time taken as the standard in comparing the
atomic weights of the elements; thus, an atom of oxygen
weighs sixteen microcriths. This unit is no longer used, and
has been replaced by the {Dalton}, which is of approximately
the same value. See {molecular weight} and {Crith}. --J. P.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Dalton \Dalton\ n.
John Dalton, scientist, born 1766, died 1844.

Syn: John Dalton.
[WordNet 1.5]

dalton \dalton\ n. [from the chemist John Dalton, proponent of
the modern atomic theory of matter.]
a unit of mass, approximately 1.66 x 10^{-24} grams; -- it is
approximately equal to the mass of one hydrogen atom, but the
exact value differs slightly as used in physics and
chemistry. It is used mostly to describe the size of proteins
and nucleic acids in biochemistry.

Note: Molecular weights are often expressed as dimensionless
units, the unit being understood (in chemistry) to be
the atomic mass unit with carbon equal to 14. Thus
having a ``molecular weight of 255'' means the same as
each molecule having a mass of 255 daltons.

Syn: Syn. atomic mass unit.

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