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 Daly ['deili]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Bob Daly, chairman of Warner Bros. studio, a Time Warner Inc. unit, and the leader of the Hollywood negotiating team, said some progress is being made and asked for a deadline extension.
    2. "Nothing is defined or signed at this point," Mr. Daly said of the talks.
    3. Daly does something else that is admirable, which is to hit the ball very far.
    4. Frank Price came from television, and has had three studio chief jobs, and Bob Daly, the longtime head of Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. unit, started out at CBS Inc.
    5. We don't use Styrofoam cups any more." His firm, Cosmopulos, Crowley and Daly, and several other private companies donated their services for the campaign.
    6. Mr. Daly himself has a handful of small, golf-related endorsement contracts and is already considering several new opportunities, Mr. Mascatello says.
    7. We are a nation with global responsibilities," said Northrop spokesman Les Daly, a longtime proponent of the flying wing concept.
    8. Critics who saw both at film festivals generally preferred the Friedman version, but Mr. Daly has remained adamant that his is the only acceptable one, and it will shortly be test-marketed in a few small cities.
    9. Joseph Daly, president of the Farley State Bank in northeast Iowa, said his bank was about to refinance a mortgage at 11 percent interest in early February from a customer who'd paid the Farm Credit System 12.7 percent for years.
    10. As a result, he was nicknamed Blob-O. He had a high-pitched voice and a crew-cut and hit the ball great distances -as long as John Daly now.
    11. Jim Andrews, editorial director of Special Events Report, which tracks corporate sponsorships, estimates that Mr. Daly may be able to fetch $100,000 "right now."
    12. Cadley denied that, saying he only agreed to meet Daly off the coast.
    13. Negotiators for the studios, led by Warner Bros. Chairman Bob Daly, then asked the FCC to extend its June 14 deadline for filings on the rerun issue.
    14. Worst speech: Tyne Daly's rambling thank you in which she kept reminding the audience that she only had 30 seconds in which to speak and then proceeded to ignore her own time limit for several minutes.
    15. That's what Daly and his group _ which includes Turkish, Armenian, Greek and American musicians _ tries to illustrate in performances that attract sell-out audiences in Athens clubs and cultural centers.
    16. "Any Catholic at random in a Catholic street is a target," Daly said. "Any member of the public happening to be at business in a Catholic street at the time is a potential victim.
    17. Tyne Daly, formerly of television's "Cagney and Lacey," was named best actress in a musical as the brassy stage mother Mama Rose in "Gypsy," a role originated by Ethel Merman 30 years ago.
    18. Mr. Daly concedes making some new demands but said the networks were unwilling to narrow the talks in the way he and Mr. Weiswasser had agreed.
    19. The tourists were returning from holiday resorts along Spain's Mediterranean coast, said British Consul-General James Daly.
    20. The quake registered a moderate 4.8 on the Richter scale and was centered 13 miles northwest of Palm Springs, said Hall Daly, a spokesman for California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
    21. Daly would not say why Hallmark was making the offer.
    22. All three of the revivals Howard worked on started with a star - Turner, Topol and Tyne Daly - and then built the production around them.
    23. "I think it flows with all of the investments being made out of Japan by the Japanese in real estate and other businesses," says producer Barry Weissler, whose smash revival of "Gypsy," starring Tyne Daly, has money from Tokyo Broadcasting.
    24. George Daly, dean of the College of Business at the University of Iowa, was named a director of this utility, succeeding Walter E. Brown, who was named director emeritus.
    25. As it happens, Mr. Daly has good taste, and many of his picks have artistic merit.
    26. "Ugliness of any kind distresses him," says Ralph Daly, a Scotsman who advises the palace on conservation and the environment.
    27. After a hearing of sorts, and much confusion, the powers-that-be ruled in Daly's favor and against assessing him a two-stroke penalty.
    28. Mr. Daly said the syndication demand marked a new, more aggressive stance on the part of the networks and caused the impasse.
    29. "We're not asking companies to say this is wrong but just that it's controversial enough that we're not going to touch it for now," says Pat Daly, a Dominican sister.
    30. If the agreement is ratified, nurses would end the two-week-old strike and return to work Monday at St. Francis, Children's, Marshal Hale, St. Mary's and Mount Zion hospitals in Francisco and Seton Medical Center in Daly City.
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