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 dam [dæm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 水坝, 障碍

vt. 控制, 筑坝

vi. 控制, 筑坝

[计] 直接存取法

[医] 橡皮障, 堤

  1. The village was swept away when the dam burst.
  2. The dam gave way; it was not strong enough to hold the flood waters.
    水坝坍塌了; 它不够坚固, 挡不住洪水.
  3. The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters.
    水坝不太坚固, 挡不住洪水.

dammed, damming
[ noun ]
  1. a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a metric unit of length equal to ten meters

  4. <noun.quantity>
  5. female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock

  6. <noun.animal>
[ verb ]
  1. obstruct with, or as if with, a dam

  2. <verb.contact> dam up
    dam the gorges of the Yangtse River

Dam \Dam\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dammed} (d[a^]md); p. pr. & vb.
n. {Damming}.]
1. To obstruct or restrain the flow of, by a dam; to confine
by constructing a dam, as a stream of water; -- generally
used with in or up.

I'll have the current in this place dammed up.

A weight of earth that dams in the water.

2. To shut up; to stop up; to close; to restrain.

The strait pass was dammed
With dead men hurt behind, and cowards. --Shak.

{To dam out}, to keep out by means of a dam.

Dam \Dam\ (d[a^]m), n. [OE. dame mistress, lady; also, mother,
dam. See {Dame}.]
1. A female parent; -- used of beasts, especially of
quadrupeds; sometimes applied in contempt to a human

Our sire and dam, now confined to horses, are a
relic of this age (13th century) . . . .Dame is used
of a hen; we now make a great difference between
dame and dam. --T. L. K.

The dam runs lowing up and down,
Looking the way her harmless young one went. --Shak.

2. A king or crowned piece in the game of draughts.

Dam \Dam\, n. [Akin to OLG., D., & Dan. dam, G. & Sw. damm,
Icel. dammr, and AS. fordemman to stop up, Goth.
1. A barrier to prevent the flow of a liquid; esp., a bank of
earth, or wall of any kind, as of masonry or wood, built
across a water course, to confine and keep back flowing

2. (Metal.) A firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the
front of the hearth of a blast furnace.

{Dam plate} (Blast Furnace), an iron plate in front of the
dam, to strengthen it.

  1. He said flood damage from a dam break on the pond, which has a capacity of 23 million gallons, could be greater than the risks posed by toxic substances.
  2. 'It's a crack that will lead to the dam's downfall,' says Mr Paul Heaton, retail analyst at brokers Baring Securities in Tokyo.
  3. The U.S. Department of Energy, which owns the plant, had expressed concern about the dam when heavy rainfall filled Holding Pond C2 to 75 percent of capacity.
  4. In declaring a moratorium in May on the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros dam project, the Hungarian government expressed concern about potential enviromental damage.
  5. The dam was completed with Congress first amending the Endangered Species Act in 1978 to allow an exemption from the law, then exempting the dam from any law that would hinder its construction, he said.
  6. The dam was completed with Congress first amending the Endangered Species Act in 1978 to allow an exemption from the law, then exempting the dam from any law that would hinder its construction, he said.
  7. No customers have yet agreed to buy the dam's electricity and opponents say the project can't make a profit.
  8. The whole effect is not unlike the breaching of an earthen dam.
  9. The damage is being done, but the dam looks fine." At last the virus comes to life.
  10. Residents of the village of Dinna, about 60 miles southwest of the capital of Dhaka, claimed the dam was flooding large areas of fertile land and destroying crops.
  11. Prague has invested $1.1 billion to date in its Gabcikovo dam and power station, which is due to come on line this summer.
  12. The group said the Platte faces two major problems, the Two Forks water storage dam proposed on the South Platte near Denver and the operation of upstream dams along a 200-mile stretch known as "Big Bend" in Nebraska.
  13. While not opposed to the dam, he said its construction weighed heavily on his mind.
  14. Mr Peter White, Alliance & Leicester chief executive, said the backlog of housing demand was 'like a dam waiting to burst'.
  15. At one point, they considered creating a mathematical model that would mimic the dam's performance.
  16. Officials of the domestic carrier Vayudoot said the Dornier aircraft exploded Saturday night about half an hour after takeoff from Poona airport and fell into the Unani dam on the Bhima River, about 90 miles away.
  17. An avalanche last week downed the power line to the city's hydroelectric dam, and one of the city's two auxiliary diesel-fired generators failed.
  18. The dam is accessible by land only by logging roads and hunting trails.
  19. Aviation investigators were sent to the dam, near the village of Warangal.
  20. The substance, a poisonous chemical when undiluted, spilled from a reservoir at Brewer Gold Co. when a dam broke, said Richard Carnes, emergency preparedness director in Chesterfield County.
  21. When a dam holding runoff broke and flooded a pristine bog in German Valley, researcher Joe Lange discovered that water leaving the bog was clear.
  22. Selden and his associates want the government to build a dam to keep the lake at an acceptable level.
  23. It said Revolutionary Guards captured the Shaakh Shamshir Heights overlooking a big hydroelectric dam on the southernmost point of the 10-mile long Lake Darbandikhan.
  24. State engineers said later in the day that the dam on the small lake appeared to be safe "at least for the time being, if the rain stops soon," said Jack Hughes, emergency management coordinator for Avery county.
  25. If it reached full operation, the dam could supply power to a large part of southern Africa.
  26. Iranian warplanes retaliated by raiding a dam in Iraq.
  27. Their bodies were found 44 days later in an earthen dam.
  28. The Iranians occupy heights overlooking another important dam and power station on Lake Darbandikhan, south of Dukan.
  29. Former Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj says the government could face a mass uprising if it approves the Nam Choan dam.
  30. "We shall not move, the dam is our doom!" the protesters chanted.
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