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 custom-built ['kʌstəm'bɪlt添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 定制的, 定做的

[化] 按订货要求制造; 按用户要求制造

  1. For any special tolerance indicated on the purchase order, custom-built service is available.
  2. H& Z industry media can make custom-built service and make specimen, news, poster, calendar and other client publication, and it also contains the complete set service of publication's editor, publish and send.
  3. H& Z industry media can make custom-built service and make specimen, news, poster, calendar and other client publication, and this service also contains the complete set service of publication's editor, publish and send.

[ noun ]
  1. an item made to the customer's specifications

  2. <noun.artifact>
[ adj ]
  1. built for a particular individual

  2. <adj.all>

  1. Small yards that produce luxury, custom-built boats say business is still buoyant.
  2. Mr Pratt, in charge of London International's IT, was involved in writing its custom-built mainframe software application. A mid-range program was installed from an external software house.
  3. EXPO '92 IS, on the face of it, a custom-built super-city with a six-month life span on a river island alongside Seville.
  4. But productivity at Mexico's custom-built export plants in Northern and central Mexico is as high or higher than in many US plants, thanks in part to malleable labour unions.
  5. Deep Thought uses custom-built circuits to sift through a million possible board positions per second.
  6. And the domestic plant can deliver, overnight, custom-built pagers that used to take nearly six weeks to supply.
  7. IDC notes that training organisations will need to 'align training with service products that meet demonstrable business need.' This is especially true with training staff who are to use custom-built software applications.
  8. Most Americans are feeling the pinch of an economic slowdown, but Popeye and Dana Gentry are living high in a custom-built, two-story gray and white cottage with a shingled roof and sundeck.
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