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 custom-designed 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 专门设计的, 定做的

  1. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit. A piece of custom-designed hardware in a chip.
  2. Our new, custom-designed fiber ordering system enhances communication and expedites your order.
  3. ” Indeed, Intellon's chip is nearly as complex as a first-generation Pentium processor but is custom-designed to handle just this one task.

  1. The system AT&T and US Sprint are to provide to the government, known as FTS-2000, is a custom-designed communications network using digital and fiber optic technology to link the federal government's expansive telecommunications system.
  2. It also can be custom-designed to understand words in other languages.
  3. For instance, Primis, a subsidiary of McGraw-Hill, is making custom-designed textbooks via high-speed printing.
  4. The 48-year-old bride, dressed in a skating skirt custom-designed for the wedding, rolled to the middle of the rink towing her 71-year-old father, Charles Buckley, who had strapped on skates for the first time in 15 years.
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