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 custom-made 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 定做的, 定制的

[化] 按订货要求制造; 按用户要求制造

  1. We'll install a pre-designed ERP system without custom-made applications.
  2. We provide of custom-made wigs for fashion, if you are interest contact us.
  3. Four: I present Sara, a custom-made fragrance capturing that special something a woman leaves on a man.

[ noun ]
  1. an item made to the customer's specifications

  2. <noun.artifact>
[ adj ]
  1. made according to the specifications of an individual

  2. <adj.all>

custom-made \custom-made\ adj.
1. made specially for a specific purpose; -- of articles of
manufacture. Contrasted with {mass-produced},

Syn: made-to-order.
[PJC WordNet 1.5]

2. made or tailored to fit a specific person; -- of clothing.
Contrasted with {off-the-rack}, {ready-to-wear}. a
custom-made suit

Syn: made-to-order.

  1. Their third shop, the $125,000, custom-made boat, has a top speed of 14 miles and 17 pizzas an hour.
  2. At the same time, disclosures that the military was paying outrageous prices for custom-made toilet seats and coffee pots were generating congressional and public demands for restraint.
  3. The plan is to have the tapes played continuously in waiting rooms on television sets handsomely displayed in custom-made cabinets.
  4. The truck tractors equipped with the faulty TRW gearboxes are generally heavy-duty, custom-made luxury models with sleeper cabs.
  5. The spring is connected at each end by custom-made plastic cups.
  6. Basically, the idea is to prioritize the cash flows among many different tranches of CMOs in the deal, each with its own custom-made dose of call risk.
  7. The custom-made vacuum machine, mounted on a tractor, moves down rows of young berries, providing just enough suction to zap lygus bugs that like to live near the top of the plants.
  8. But Mr. Paysen says parallel importers don't receive sufficient backup from manufacturers and are too financially limited to afford custom-made computerized repair equipment and other tools.
  9. The hotel still insists on its own custom-made mattresses, pure linen sheets and towels.
  10. His new custom-made flutes are expected to be ready by December.
  11. The slip actually is one of two that were custom-made for Turner to wear in the Tennessee Williams play, in accordance with a union regulation that requires two sets of each costume.
  12. He also has several blazers: 'Quite the most useful and versatile item in a man's wardrobe.' Shirts are custom-made in Italy.
  13. Meanwhile, many companies are contracting with specialized software houses for custom-made systems, while some are giving up on plans to build networks and turning back to the local phone company.
  14. I am thankful that journalists such as Mr. Stewart act to enlighten and bring to justice the criminals dressed in custom-made suits who pervade our society.
  15. However, such devices don't fit all patients and certain medical conditions require the use of a custom-made prostheses.
  16. The Air Force is defending its purchase of 173 custom-made facsimile machines under contracts that amount to $73 million, contending Friday they are "not your normal fax," and are designed to withstand the dirt, havoc and extremes of battlefield duty.
  17. Here's a custom-made silk moire bed.
  18. About a year ago, two crucial custom-made chips came back from the manufacturer with modifications that Next hadn't requested.
  19. This McGuffin - as Hitchcock dubbed any object custom-made to be fought over in a movie - gives its owner tap-in power over everything from banks to air traffic control to government departments.
  20. The systems will test chips that are custom-made for certain jobs, known as application-specific integrated circuits.
  21. Bivvins sees no reason why shirts, to take a random example, or a myriad other goods, should not eventually be custom-made to order on the spot. Technology will bring other changes, too.
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