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 cupboard ['kʌbɚd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 食橱, 碗柜, 餐具柜

  1. I put the dishes in the cupboard.
  2. He stored foods in his cupboard.
  3. How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard?

[ noun ]
a small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space

Cupboard \Cup"board\ (k[u^]b"b[~e]rd), n. [Cup + board.]
1. A board or shelf for cups and dishes. [Obs.] --Bacon.

2. A small closet in a room, with shelves to receive cups,
dishes, food, etc.; hence, any small closet.

{Cupboard love}, interested love, or that which has an eye to
the cupboard. ``A cupboard love is seldom true.'' --Poor
Robin. [Colloq.]

{To cry cupboard}, to call for food; to express hunger.
[Colloq.] ``My stomach cries cupboard.'' --W. Irving.

Cupboard \Cup"board\, v. t.
To collect, as into a cupboard; to hoard. [R.] --Shak.

  1. The inspector arrives at an engagement party of north country industrialists - the Birlings of Brumley - gradually to uncover all sorts of skeletons in the cupboard.
  2. Odom was inside a free-standing wooden cupboard, intending to fake a hangman scene, said his grandmother Hattie Carpenter, who was at the party.
  3. All we have is a rusty cupboard containing a few bits of mesh and bamboo poles.
  4. He sits on the floor, leaning against the cupboard.
  5. Likewise in the green cinder-block house in Sevierville, Tenn., where customers pay $5 to troop into Gladys Breeden's kitchen, grab plates from her cupboard and pile them high with whatever she felt like cooking that day.
  6. The cupboard of ideas was bare from the beginning and this revival offers only a few crumbs of interest. Its main virtues are negative ones.
  7. One hid in a cupboard above a blacksmith's oven.
  8. Vodafone is inviting users to nominate a home cell - some of which in London seem barely bigger than a broom cupboard - and calls within the home cell will be much cheaper than those made outside.
  9. 'We have opened every cupboard, looked under the beds, looked for every kind of thing.
  10. GOT A Red Star sweater in your cupboard?
  11. BAe in any case presumably wants to see at least some faint signs of recovery in the property market before putting Arlington on the block, while it has assets to clear out of the cupboard first.
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