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 cupful ['kʌpfəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (一)满杯

[建] 满杯

  1. He gives me a cupful beer.
  2. But, of the average tinned or glass packed strawberry jam, you need half a cupful to get the idea of what you're eating.

[ noun ]
the quantity a cup will hold
he drank a cup of coffeehe borrowed a cup of sugar

Cupful \Cup"ful\ (k?p"f?l), n.; pl. {Cupfuls} (-f?lz).
As much as a cup will hold.

  1. I am the first to pass it off with a quick cupful, but oppressed by our target of more than seven an over and our modest ability, I sank happily into an iced bottleful.
  2. Here is a young Depression kid (Jesse Bradford) growing up in St Louis, amid images washed in radical humanism with a cupful of 'Nostalgia' fabric-softener throw in. One almost hears the director's voice.
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