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 claustrophobia [ˌklɔ:strə'fəubjə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 幽闭恐怖症

[医] 幽闭恐怖

  1. It pointed to everything cowardly in me-- my fear of death and disease, even my claustrophobia when riding in a car I wasn't driving.
  2. To break down the excessive uniformity and claustrophobia of the proposed design that asks for closed blocks of six storey buildings; this apartment volume was developed as a reference point for the city extension and region a
  3. In order to enlarge the flexibility between the two programs an in order to enlarge the visibility between the audience and the programs and in order to escape from the possible claustrophobia in a shopping centre we developed

[ noun ]
a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space

  1. Snow Orchid is ultimately about the claustrophobia of family life. The linchpin of the Gate staging is Paola Dionisotti as Filumena.
  2. Some carriers make the middle seat in a row slightly wider to reduce elbow-to-elbow claustrophobia.
  3. But that change hasn't brought relief from the claustrophobia of nonwhite life.
  4. More in a sentimental claustrophobia of concept.
  5. She returns home to her mother, a matter-of-fact Presbyterian, and to her bedwetting son. The action has an appropriate claustrophobia, aided by Christopher Morley's gloomy design.
  6. Take medical advice first if you suffer from claustrophobia. Terminals One and Three are in-between, but have a distinct Terminal Two tendency at busy times. Getting to the airport is never quite satisfactory.
  7. "I must have claustrophobia," Straw remarked. "I like an open window, I like an escape route.
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