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 claustrophobic   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    1. uncomfortably closed or hemmed in

    2. <adj.all>
      a claustrophobic little room
    3. suffering from claustrophobia; abnormally afraid of closed-in places

    4. <adj.all>

    confined \confined\ adj.
    1. having movement restricted to within a certain area; --
    usually a building. Opposite of {unconfined}.

    Note: [Narrower terms: {claustrophobic}; {close, confining};
    {homebound, housebound, shut-in}; {in
    childbed(prenominal)}; {pent, shut up(predicate)};
    {snowbound}; {weather-bound}; {stormbound,
    [WordNet 1.5]

    2. deprived of liberty; especially placed under arrest or
    [WordNet 1.5]

    3. having movement restricted to within an enclosed outdoor
    area; -- of animals.

    Syn: fenced in, penned.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    4. (Med.) not invading healthy tissue.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    5. held prisoner.

    Syn: captive, imprisoned, jailed.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    6. having movement or progress restricted to a certain area;
    as, an outbreak of the plague confined to one quarter of
    the city; wildfires confined to within the canyon.

    1. "The idea is to do away with the claustrophobic feeling, to have more open areas," said Angie Sheffer, executive assistant to Warden Joseph Petrovsky.
    2. But the way it was built works very well," Clearmountain says. "Most studios are very claustrophobic, with lots of wires, amplifiers and drums lying around that people can trip over.
    3. There are no laughs in Marble Skin, an intense and claustrophobic narration of a daughter's survival of life with mother.
    4. Superficially, the parliament makes a sharp contrast to the overcrowded, claustrophobic chamber at Westminster.
    5. The hangings fall from a Hawksmoor ceiling frame which moves down to create the claustrophobic interiors in which most of the action takes place.
    6. "You get claustrophobic and you panic.
    7. Putting bees in a confined area "is like putting a paper bag over a claustrophobic" person, says Murray Reid, a New Zealand government bee inspector.
    8. It creates a claustrophobic feeling, like your life is being taken away from you.
    9. "The Last Emperor" is director Bernardo Bertolucci's lyrically claustrophobic vision of Pu Yi's life.
    10. Note Brandenstein's work in Silkwood, where she 'wanted the nuclear plant to be very clinical and claustrophobic like a modern prison, while the heroine's home was more close to nature, almost a log cabin.'
    11. A well-chosen cast, headed by Jan Blinkhof as a Filka Morozov of raw power, Kim Begley a clarion Skuratov and Russell Smythe an impassioned Shishkov, seemed locked in the opera's claustrophobic ambience of prison violence.
    12. I was dazzled, breathing in fresh air, glad to be free of the claustrophobic atmosphere.
    13. The room dominated by the enormous paintings based on radiating concentric squares is positively claustrophobic; you feel that the walls are about to close in on you.
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