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 clave [klev]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.
    15 他在旷野分裂磐石,多多的给他们水喝,如从深渊而出。
  2. And they lifted up their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her.
    14 两个儿妇又放声而哭,俄珥巴与婆婆亲嘴而别,只是路得舍不得拿俄米。
  3. And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel.
    3 示剑的心系恋雅各的女儿底拿,喜爱这女子,甜言蜜语地安慰她。

Clave \Clave\ (kl[=a]v),
imp. of {Cleave}. [Obs.]

Cleave \Cleave\ (kl[=e]v), v. i. [imp. {Cleaved} (kl[=e]vd),
{Clave} (kl[=a]v, Obs.); p. p. {Cleaved}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Cleaving}.] [OE. cleovien, clivien, cliven, AS. cleofian,
clifian; akin to OS. klib[=o]n, G. kleben, LG. kliven, D.
kleven, Dan. kl[ae]be, Sw. klibba, and also to G. kleiben to
cleve, paste, Icel. kl[=i]fa to climb. Cf. {Climb}.]
1. To adhere closely; to stick; to hold fast; to cling.

My bones cleave to my skin. --Ps. cii. 5.

The diseases of Egypt . . . shall cleave unto thee.
xxviii. 60.

Sophistry cleaves close to and protects
Sin's rotten trunk, concealing its defects.

2. To unite or be united closely in interest or affection; to
adhere with strong attachment.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his
mother, and shall cleave unto his wife. --Gen. ii.

Cleave unto the Lord your God. --Josh. xxiii.

3. To fit; to be adapted; to assimilate. [Poetic.]

New honors come upon him,
Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mold
But with the aid of use. --Shak.

Cleave \Cleave\ (kl[=e]v), v. t. [imp. {Cleft} (kl[e^]ft),
{Clave} (kl[=a]v, Obs.), {Clove} (kl[=o]v, Obsolescent); p.
p. {Cleft}, {Cleaved} (kl[=e]vd) or {Cloven} (kl[=o]"v'n); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Cleaving}.] [OE. cleoven, cleven, AS.
cle['o]fan; akin to OS. klioban, D. klooven, G. klieben,
Icel. klj[=u]fa, Sw. klyfva, Dan. kl["o]ve and prob. to Gr.
gly`fein to carve, L. glubere to peel. Cf. {Cleft}.]
1. To part or divide by force; to split or rive; to cut.

O Hamlet, thou hast cleft my heart in twain. --Shak.

2. To part or open naturally; to divide.

Every beast that parteth the hoof, and cleaveth the
cleft into two claws. --Deut. xiv.

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