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 chorale [kɒ'rɑ:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 赞美诗

  1. ariations on a Theme by Haydn, "St Antoni Chorale"
  2. Variations on a Theme by Haydn, "St Antoni Chorale"
  3. Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three best children's chorales.

[ noun ]
a stately Protestant (especially Lutheran) hymn tune

Choral \Cho"ral\, chorale \chorale\, n. (Mus.)
A stately hymn tune; a simple sacred tune, sung in unison by
the congregation, used mostly in Protestant (especially
Lutheran) churches; as, the Lutheran chorals. [Sometimes
written {chorale}.]
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

Choral \Cho"ral\, chorale \chorale\, n. (Mus.)
A stately hymn tune; a simple sacred tune, sung in unison by
the congregation, used mostly in Protestant (especially
Lutheran) churches; as, the Lutheran chorals. [Sometimes
written {chorale}.]
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

  1. It includes the Mark Taper Forum and the Ahmanson Theater, and houses symphony, chorale, ballet and drama companies.
  2. They don spectacles, and at regular intervals chant a kind of chorale that either tells us what will happen or comments on what did happen.
  3. The long passage in which a dark brass chorale evolves over a darker bass pedal, while marimbas and glockenspiel twinkle above like sunlight on Orcadian waves and the trumpet soars in high, slow phrases, was memorably beautiful.
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