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 chord [kɔrd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弦, 和音

[医] 索, 带

  1. This story may strike a chord for other women in the same situation.
  2. He struck a chord on the piano.
  3. There are two naturals in this chord.

[ noun ]
  1. a straight line connecting two points on a curve

  2. <noun.shape>
  3. a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together

  4. <noun.communication>
[ verb ]
  1. play chords on (a string instrument)

  2. <verb.creation>
  3. bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing

  4. <verb.change> harmonise harmonize

Chord \Chord\, v. i. (Mus.)
To accord; to harmonize together; as, this note chords with

Chord \Chord\ (k[^o]rd), n. [L chorda a gut, a string made of a
gut, Gr. chordh`. In the sense of a string or small rope, in
general, it is written cord. See {Cord}.]
1. The string of a musical instrument. --Milton.

2. (Mus.) A combination of tones simultaneously performed,
producing more or less perfect harmony, as, the common

3. (Geom.) A right line uniting the extremities of the arc of
a circle or curve.

4. (Anat.) A cord. See {Cord}, n., 4.

5. (Engin.) The upper or lower part of a truss, usually
horizontal, resisting compression or tension. --Waddell.

{Accidental, Common, & Vocal} {chords}. See under
{Accidental}, {Common}, and {Vocal}.

{Chord of an arch}. See Illust. of {Arch}.

{Chord of curvature}, a chord drawn from any point of a
curve, in the circle of curvature for that point.

{Scale of chords}. See {Scale}.

Chord \Chord\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chorded}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To provide with musical chords or strings; to string; to

When Jubal struck the chorded shell. --Dryden.

Even the solitary old pine tree chords his harp.

  1. English politicians apparently strike a kindly, avuncular chord in the heart of Graf Otto Lambsdorff, chairman of Germany's liberal free democrats.
  2. The protesters' complaints of official corruption touched a sensitive chord among the general public and posed a clear challenge to the party's moral leadership.
  3. He releases component parts of a melody tortuously, creating a tension which is then relieved by a slashing power chord and more snatches of the familiar.
  4. Premadasa's efforts to ease ethnic tensions have struck a chord among the Tigers, but they say they are prepared to return to the jungle.
  5. Winfrey said the resulting story, scheduled to air March 19 and 20, still will strike a resonant chord with many viewers.
  6. NWQ's conservative investment style strikes a responsive chord with Mr. Brucia, who says he is most comfortable with investing in risk-free Treasury securities.
  7. We try to keep moving forward." The look of the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra strikes a distinctive chord, but its improved sound proves that classical music can have no sex.
  8. "`I'm on your side' is striking a chord," said Francis O'Brien, another senior campaign adviser.
  9. Anthony Harrigan President U.S. Business and Industrial Council Washington Hodding Carter's Aug. 27 Viewpoint column "Economic Success Story Has Its Costs" struck a sympathetic chord.
  10. Wal-Mart's flag-waving patriotism also seems to have struck a responsive chord in the small towns and cities in the heartland, where the chain has multiplied.
  11. The balance of the wind on the movement's final chord was hardly less impressive.
  12. I merely bring this idea to the people's eyes." The message has struck a deep chord in a public mired in four-digit inflation, deteriorating social services and rising unemployment.
  13. His sharp criticism of alleged government mismanagement and his claims to economic expertise as a self-made millionaire have struck a responsive chord, especially among rural voters and the young.
  14. But one part of the network's justification did strike a chord, the statement that "ads encourage people to imitate them."
  15. The opening chord, a shameless steal from Bowie's Moonage Daydream, has provoked an orgy of spot-the-influence among critics.
  16. The brightest glimmer of hope for AMC in recent years occurred in 1983, when its Alliance model, designed by Renault, struck a chord with buyers and was named Motor Trend magazine car of the year.
  17. His message of Jewish force struck a sympathetic chord in the country founded largely in response to the Holocaust and surrounded by Arab enemies.
  18. Managing director David Kemp responds in his brochure: 'That strikes as much of a chord with me as endless pre-dinner champagne.'
  19. The response is most powerful among black voters, where apartheid touches an emotional chord reaching across class lines.
  20. "Milliken touched every chord in Buchanan's heart," recalls one Milliken employee.
  21. But this was Elizabeth Dole, and the praise of her presidential candidate husband struck a pleasing chord with her fellow North Carolinians.
  22. Five years ago: President Reagan, in an address to the UN General Assembly, sounded a conciliatory chord as he promised to work to narrow "the clear differences" between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  23. "If you read the public right and you simplify what the public wants and you color it the way you think they want it colored then you end up striking a successful chord," Raley said.
  24. But GE's reliability pitch struck a responsive chord.
  25. Still, Mrs. Johnston's views of parenthood strike a chord with readers all over the U.S.
  26. The trial struck a sympathetic chord with the public because Wilson stood to lose $950,000, the value of her home, 80 acres of property and her savings.
  27. It's really struck a chord with consumers." Simonds stepped up the pressure in recent weeks by asking CD purchasers to tear open the cardboard package in the music store and dump it on the clerk's counter.
  28. Observer's passing reference to The Hecklers - a band of musical terrorists whose mission is to rid Britain of the 'sonic sewage of modern music' - has struck a chord.
  29. Lloyd spins around on his piano bench and begins fingering rich, warm, sometimes dissonant chord progressions.
  30. The problem is that the support is now being withdrawn. Something about the Beaver receivership seems to have touched a chord in an industry that is becoming exasperated by its failure to get the message about its importance across to the government.
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