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 chord of curvature 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Curvature \Cur"va*ture\ (k?r"v?-t?r; 135), n. [L. curvatura. See
    1. The act of curving, or the state of being bent or curved;
    a curving or bending, normal or abnormal, as of a line or
    surface from a rectilinear direction; a bend; a curve.

    The elegant curvature of their fronds. --Darwin.

    2. (Math.) The amount of degree of bending of a mathematical
    curve, or the tendency at any point to depart from a
    tangent drawn to the curve at that point.

    {Aberrancy of curvature} (Geom.), the deviation of a curve
    from a circular form.

    {Absolute curvature}. See under {Absolute}.

    {Angle of curvature} (Geom.), one that expresses the amount
    of curvature of a curve.

    {Chord of curvature}. See under {Chord}.

    {Circle of curvature}. See {Osculating circle of a curve},
    under {Circle}.

    {Curvature of the spine} (Med.), an abnormal curving of the
    spine, especially in a lateral direction.

    {Radius of curvature}, the radius of the circle of curvature,
    or osculatory circle, at any point of a curve.

    Chord \Chord\ (k[^o]rd), n. [L chorda a gut, a string made of a
    gut, Gr. chordh`. In the sense of a string or small rope, in
    general, it is written cord. See {Cord}.]
    1. The string of a musical instrument. --Milton.

    2. (Mus.) A combination of tones simultaneously performed,
    producing more or less perfect harmony, as, the common

    3. (Geom.) A right line uniting the extremities of the arc of
    a circle or curve.

    4. (Anat.) A cord. See {Cord}, n., 4.

    5. (Engin.) The upper or lower part of a truss, usually
    horizontal, resisting compression or tension. --Waddell.

    {Accidental, Common, & Vocal} {chords}. See under
    {Accidental}, {Common}, and {Vocal}.

    {Chord of an arch}. See Illust. of {Arch}.

    {Chord of curvature}, a chord drawn from any point of a
    curve, in the circle of curvature for that point.

    {Scale of chords}. See {Scale}.

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