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 cadastre [kə'dæstɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 不动产估价清单

  1. Continued maintenance of property register, cadastre, and price records to permit refinements, greater predictive accuracy, and more equitable taxation.
  2. Single system can provide a linked database for cadastre, registry, and sales data. Infrastructure for computer assisted mass appraisal at market values has been developed.
  3. The defined expense for land arrangement includes compensation for removal of land ameliorants or tombs, subsidy for power and mechanic equipments or removal of population, subsidy for operating loss, reward for removal on one´ s initiative, compensation

[ noun ]
a public register showing the details of ownership and value of land; made for the purpose of taxation

Cadastre \Ca*das"tre\, Cadaster \Ca*das"ter\, n. [F. cadastre.]
An official statement of the quantity and value of real
estate for the purpose of apportioning the taxes payable on
such property; a public register showing the details of
ownership and value of land.

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