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 cadaver [kə'dævɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 死尸, 尸体

[医] 尸体

  1. Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death.
  2. At40, gray-haired and frail, he saw" a cadaver almost" when he looked at himself in the mirror.
  3. Results: Mean patient age was26.5 yr( range17-38) with live donors in34(65.4%) and cadaver donors in18(34.6%).

[ noun ]
the dead body of a human being
the cadaver was intended for dissectionthe end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse
the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river
honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay

Cadaver \Ca*da"ver\ (k[.a]*d[a^]"v[~e]r; k[.a]*d[=a]"v[~e]r), n.
[L., fr cadere to fall.]
A dead human body; a corpse.

  1. Charron said she "really didn't think" she would have to cut open the cadaver at the university, but wasn't sure.
  2. Johnson began looking at the amyloid of diabetic cats 20 years ago, and 12 years ago he and Westermark, who worked with human cadaver pancreases, began collaborating.
  3. Specialists say the procedure could relieve a severe shortage of organs for children, many of whom die while awaiting a liver from a cadaver.
  4. The risk to the infant of using part of the living parent's liver is no different than using part of a cadaver liver, they said; the survival rate of "split-liver" transplants until now has been 79%.
  5. Repeated cadaver skin grafts are made until that time.
  6. 'Every Lebanese knows the weakness of a worm-eaten administration which, like a cadaver, feeds a cloud of parasites through its own decomposition,' the paper said.
  7. Carl and his gravedigger chum Dave must dispose of the cadaver, making room for it in a grave where they must do things to the mouldering corpse already resident that Carl would not do even to - well, to his own mother.
  8. He thinks differently," said Dr. Murray Levin, 60, of Bloomfield Hills. "He wanted to use cadaver blood for blood transfusions.
  9. But he noted the hospital's doctors had been transplanting portions of cadaver livers into children since 1984, "with better than 80 percent success." A medical ethicist said using a parent as donor raises some serious questions.
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