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 cadaveric   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 尸体的

  1. METHODS.: A literature search was performed for studies comparing kidney transplants from NHB vs. HB cadaveric donors between1992 and2005.
  2. Methods The endoscopic anatomy of frontal sinus and surrounding structures were observed according to the endoscopic surgical approaches of frontal sinus in the route anterior to ethmoid bulla, in12((8 males,)4 females) adult cadaver

[ adj ]
of or relating to a cadaver or corpse
we had long anticipated his cadaverous end

Cadaveric \Ca*dav"er*ic\, a.
Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a corpse, or the changes
produced by death; cadaverous; as, cadaveric rigidity.

{Cadaveric alkaloid}, an alkaloid generated by the processes
of decomposition in dead animal bodies, and thought by
some to be the cause of the poisonous effects produced by
the bodies. See {Ptomaine}.

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