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 cabling ['keibliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. We are cabling you our new price for our "AIWA" Brand Walkman.
  2. We do not want to put you to the expense of cabling an amendment.
  3. Prepare the BOM( Bill of Material) and define the cabling diagram.

Cable \Ca"ble\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Cabled} (-b'ld); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Cabling} (-bl[o^]ng).]
To telegraph by a submarine cable [Recent]

Cabling \Ca"bling\, n. (Arch.)
The decoration of a fluted shaft of a column or of a pilaster
with reeds, or rounded moldings, which seem to be laid in the
hollows of the fluting. These are limited in length to about
one third of the height of the shaft.

  1. 'If what these guys (in governments and industry) are calling the information highway is an infrastructure upgrade (to fibre-optic cabling and high-speed switching systems) that's great.'
  2. Three alternative routes are proposed through the rural Vale of York. NGC will counter calls for underground cabling by saying that costs 10 to 15 times as much as overhead lines.
  3. The company said that its decision was in the interest of all its shareholders. Construction of the network is due, and much of it will involve aerial, rather than underground, cabling.
  4. In addition to soliciting a $10 million contribution from the sultan of Brunei, Mr. Abrams proposed cabling U.S. embassies in several Persian Gulf states and asking them to solicit similar contributions, Reagan administration sources said.
  5. There is no cabling or interfacing to worry about; the computer is laid on a 'plinth' - essentially, a telephone terminal equipped to receive information from the computer through an infra-red link.
  6. At Pounds 3,000 a licence, Micro- station is targeted firmly at engineering professionals. Microstation allows architects, structural engineers and cabling planners on a construction project to view each other's files as the building progresses.
  7. The operating system is used to manage and direct the flow of data and files around the network, which runs over a basic cabling infrastructure.
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