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 bunds 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. They had tightened by around 0.5 percentage point against bunds during the year so far, reaching a spread of 2.9 per cent, before falling again to 3.2 per cent.
    2. The surprise increase in base rates by a number of leading French banks and widespread disappointment across global markets with the outcome of the latest auction of German bunds provided the real trigger for a global slide in equity markets.
    3. When-issued trading began yesterday. Gilt traders today will focus on the announcement of the January retail prices index and retail sales data. German bunds saw another trendless day amid thin volume as parts of Germany were closed for a holiday.
    4. Cost estimates, design and the proposed contract documents have been set down to accommodate this somewhat unusual situation. The bridge is 4,800 metres long, bounded by the guide bunds of the river training works.
    5. These hopes encouraged yields on 10-year bunds to come in to around 7.43 per cent from just over 7.5 per cent the day before. However, most analysts remained sceptical about a further cut in German interest rates.
    6. The 10-year Swedish yield spread against bunds narrowed by around 50 basis points to 385 points after reaching almost 500 points last week. Italian 10-year government bonds rose by just over a half-point.
    7. Bond market weakness troubled a number of bourses, writes Our Markets Staff. FRANKFURT tried to ignore bunds as it majored in chemicals and banks, but in the end equities had to concede a small defeat.
    8. The yield spread to 10-year German bunds fell below 140 basis points on Friday, having been 180 points a few weeks ago.
    9. The yield on 10-year bunds is likely to be at the same level at the end of the year as it is now (around 7 per cent).' Working against this is the fact that the downturn in the German economy has by no means reached a low point.
    10. German government bonds were still the most highly-regarded, but investors were buying, for instance, French and British government paper on narrowing spreads over bunds.
    11. The yield spread over bunds was little changed at 124 basis points. The French Treasury successfully auctioned FFr12.3bn 10-year and 30-year paper.
    12. With 10-year gilt yields little more than 1 per cent higher than German bunds, there is little immediate hope of foreign investors buying gilts.
    13. In the cash market, yields on 10-year bunds rose slightly, hovering just below 8 per cent. Warnings that real interest rates were likely to remain high for some time came from Mr Hans Tietmeyer, deputy president of the Bundesbank.
    14. The expansion of the D-Mark area into east Germany and (unofficially) beyond may have invalidated past trend lines, and furthermore the speculative bubble in global bonds last year priced bunds out of the reach of domestic investors.
    15. UK government bonds were further helped by a sharp recovery in sterling, prompting longer-dated gilt price to rise by a point. The yield on 10-year bunds fell to 6.66 per cent as prices jumped by half a point.
    16. It ended at 89.46, down 0.36 points on the day. In spite of their unimpressive performance, bunds are still the best bet in current bond market conditions, said Mr Adrian James, bond strategist at NatWest Markets.
    17. And we should remember that US Treasury bonds yield less than German bunds.
    18. Using this rule of thumb, the market could be asked to absorb DM110bn new bunds, Unity bonds and quasi-government debt instruments this year. Others are less pessimistic.
    19. Already the bond markets have seen significant divergence, with spreads against bunds widening for UK and Spanish government bonds, for instance.
    20. The bund market had hoped for a more marked slowdown in money supply growth. Dealers reported good demand for long-dated bunds later in the day, with some outright buying and lengthening trades leading to a further inversion of the yield curve.
    21. Although yields are expected to fall, it will be difficult for Eurobond yields to maintain their tight spreads relative to bunds.
    22. Given current tightness in the money market, a switch to variable-rate repos could actually push the repo rate above last week's fixed 6.70 per cent, sending the wrong signal, traders said. FRENCH government bonds underperformed bunds in quiet trade.
    23. 'In other words, the spread between Ecu bonds and bunds would be entirely eliminated.' TWO FACTORS have emerged to dominate the gilts market.
    24. The June bund futures contract fell 0.45 point to 97.23. French government bonds weakened roughly in line with bunds, and traders are now focusing on next Thursday's meeting of the Bank of France's policy council.
    25. Gilts yielding 1.3 percentage points more than German bunds were attractive enough while sterling was inside the ERM.
    26. Swiss Bank Corporation says the yield spread over German bunds has widened, from 243 basis points in mid-March to 321 basis points on April 21 1994.
    27. On the basis of regional CPI data released on Friday, western German inflation is likely to be 4 per cent in September, down from 4.2 per cent in August. Mr Kramer at DB Research says long-term investors should seize upon bunds' current weakness to buy.
    28. When the bonds were freed to trade, they were quoted around their re-offer price of 99.75. Hungary's DM1bn issue carried a yield spread of 265 basis points above the same underlying bunds as in the EC's issue.
    29. 'They believe that they should not wait for rates to fall, but should buy bunds now.' Part of the attraction is that bunds offer significantly higher yields than US Treasury bills.
    30. 'They believe that they should not wait for rates to fall, but should buy bunds now.' Part of the attraction is that bunds offer significantly higher yields than US Treasury bills.
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