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 bungle ['bʌŋgl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 拙劣地工作, 粗制滥造, 把...搞糟

vi. 拙劣地工作, 粗制滥造, 把...搞糟

n. 粗劣, 失误, 笨拙

  1. The whole job was a gigantic bungle.
  2. Don't let him mend your bike. He's sure to bungle the job.
    别让他修理你的自行车. 他肯定会弄得一团糟的.
  3. It looks as though you've bungled again.


Bungle \Bun"gle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Bungled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Bungling}.] [Prob. a diminutive from, akin to bang; cf.
Prov. G. bungen to beat, bang, OSw. bunga. See {Bang}.]
To act or work in a clumsy, awkward manner.

Bungle \Bun"gle\, v. t.
To make or mend clumsily; to manage awkwardly; to botch; --
sometimes with up.

I always had an idea that it would be bungled. --Byron.

Bungle \Bun"gle\, n.
A clumsy or awkward performance; a botch; a gross blunder.

Those errors and bungles which are committed.

  1. There is so little faith in declarations of policy from Washington that it is even doubted whether in fact the U.S. is not indirectly assisting the insurrection and will not make some attempt to remove Saddam, which it will probably bungle.
  2. Said Prescott: "This has all the signs of a cover-up once they realized the bungle they had made of it all." Channon and Prescott come from the extremes of mainstream British political life.
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