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 bungalow ['bʌŋgәlәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 平房

  1. A bungalow does not have an upstairs.
  2. His country cottage turned out to be an enormous bungalow.
  3. I'd rather live in this old house with all its inconveniences than in one of those pokey bungalows where you haven't room to swing a cat.

[ noun ]
a small house with a single story

Bungalow \Bun"ga*low\, n. [Bengalee b[=a]ngl[=a]]
A thatched or tiled house or cottage, of a single story,
usually surrounded by a veranda. [India]

  1. Before the Linkenbergs began their stunt Monday, the carpet and the furniture in their two-bedroom, one-story bungalow were covered with plastic.
  2. Town dwellers with surplus capital often saw a bungalow as a pleasant investment.
  3. He lives with his girlfriend, Karen Jones, in a rented bungalow in the West country looking out at Glastonbury Tor. I discovered a normally intelligent, softly-spoken 40-year-old with a pale face and innocent, grey-blue eyes.
  4. Police charged a 31-year-old builder Friday with conspiracy in the kidnapping of a Lebanese businessman, who escaped unharmed two days earlier from a rural bungalow where he was held for 24 hours.
  5. "They saw pictures of our house," Heimdal said of the family's modest, wood-frame bungalow in a middle-class Peoria neighborhood.
  6. The Ontario Supreme Court ordered Michael Pawlowski, who has lived in Canada for 38 years, to put up his modest brick bungalow in Renfrew, Ontario, as security.
  7. At Pounds 1,800 a tonne, the 11-tonne roof must be one of the most valuable bungalow roofs in the UK. A long traverse took me to the peak of the High Street range, the easternmost edge of the Lake District.
  8. Italian Escapades says that its holidays at Forte Village start from Pounds 649 per person per week (September 1994 price) for a twin-bedded bungalow, breakfast, dinner, return direct flight to Cagliari, and transfers between airport and village.
  9. Found dead on a floor upstairs in the two-story bungalow were Owens; Carl D. Williams, 21; Bobby Lee Frazier, 16; and Robert Lee Hill, 15; all of Detroit, police said.
  10. Thus, for six weeks last spring, Mr. Archibald moved his desk and computer into the bungalow used by Ramsar, a rare Siberian crane.
  11. But a seaside or country bungalow in East Anglia remains the dream for many east Londoners. Bennett Homes, of Lakenheath in Suffolk, has cornered the market, having built more than 5,000 of them since 1947.
  12. Spike-pointed fences, metal detectors and watch towers are being installed outside Gandhi's new three-bedroom bungalow to protect him from the Sikhs, who assassinated his mother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
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