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 bulletproof ['bulitpru:f]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 防弹的

  1. The policeman survived because of his bulletproof vest.
  2. A strong controller who hasn't had an error feels bulletproof.
  3. The dull bull fully fulfilled pulling the bulletproof bulletin board.

[ verb ]
  1. make bulletproof

  2. <verb.change>
    bulletproof the car
[ adj ]
  1. without flaws or loopholes

  2. <adj.all>
    an ironclad contract
    a watertight alibi
    a bulletproof argument
  3. not penetrable by bullets

  4. <adj.all>
    bulletproof glass
    bulletproof vest

bullet-proof \bul"let-proof`\, bulletproof \bul"let*proof`\, a.
1. Capable of resisting the force of a bullet; resistant to
penetration by a bullet; armored; as, a bulletproof vest;
a bulletproof window.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. designed so as to be resistant to abuse or misuse and
incapable of malfunction under normal use; as, a
bulletproof computer program.

3. so well thought out as to be resistant to criticism or
certain to succeed; as, a bulletproof plan.

  1. The price is unbearable." Mayor David Dinkins said Tuesday he has added bulletproof duds to his wardrobe.
  2. The bullet was deflected by a bulletproof vest.
  3. Aoun, with a bulletproof vest under his camouflage jacket, made a morale-boosting tour of strategic hills his troops seized from the militia this week at Dbaye, north of Beirut.
  4. The 32-year-old justice minister also said she was requesting $19 million in U.S. aid to purchase armored cars, bulletproof vests, metal detectors for court houses and other security devices to protect the jurists.
  5. One of the suspects wore a bulletproof vest to a court appearance, and a judge held the other's arraignment secretly because he feared for the suspect's safety.
  6. The reports have spoken of paratroopers dressed in combat gear, bulletproof vests and helmets arriving at a military airfield near Moscow.
  7. Wearing her bulletproof vest, Mrs. Hartman evicts drug users and pushers, disperses loiterers and punishes litterers.
  8. His bulletproof vest stopped two slugs and a third ricocheted off his belt buckle.
  9. Because of its toughness, spider silk is likely to replace Kevlar as the military's choice for bulletproof vests, Lombardi said.
  10. Williams said an undetermined number of bulletproof vests would arrive with the helicopters as part of program to protect the nation's judges and other court officials.
  11. Every day, convoys of bulletproof cars roll into east Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, home ground of Shiite Moslem extremists, with Syrian security men on guard against kidnappers.
  12. A dozen riot police wearing white helmets and green bulletproof vests then dragged away several of the activists, who had no protest posters and had not made any public statements.
  13. In a letter to clients, he said the firm is aiming at "capital preservation, lots of cash and bulletproof stocks."
  14. The suspects charged Friday were led out of a police station wearing bulletproof vests.
  15. A security detail whisked them into the courtroom, which was inside a prison, and they sat with the prosecutor behind bulletproof glass.
  16. "They're helpful, but they're not a bulletproof vest against credit or market risks," said John J. Kriz, the senior securities-industry analyst at Moody's Investors Service Inc.
  17. Kevlar is a flexible material used in bulletproof vests.
  18. Hillbilly and other narcotics officers wear bulletproof vests under blue jumpsuits and caps.
  19. Drug traffickers have bulletproof cars that are imported with bribe payments to customs officials, he said.
  20. The judges threatened to strike again if the government does not provide bulletproof vests, bulletproof cars and bodyguards.
  21. The judges threatened to strike again if the government does not provide bulletproof vests, bulletproof cars and bodyguards.
  22. Judges and thousands of court employes called a three-day strike after that killing, demanding bodyguards, bulletproof vests and cars and metal detectors at entrances to their offices.
  23. In 1987, Mr. Giuliani dispatched 50 federal marshals outfitted with weapons and bulletproof vests to raid Princeton/Newport's offices near the Princeton University campus.
  24. Seats for 100 journalists and 80 members of the public are separated from the judges, witnesses and defendant by plates of bulletproof glass.
  25. About a dozen white-helmeted riot police in bulletproof vests then dragged would-be protesters away and loaded them onto buses.
  26. A bulletproof glass shield on his podium was removed minutes before he began his 50-minute speech.
  27. The line of fur and leather coats starts at about $3,000 and tops out with a Russian sable coat for $80,000. The bulletproof clipboard goes for $300.
  28. In Natoli's office, next to a window with double rows of bulletproof glass, hang plaques from the FBI, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the New York City Police Department.
  29. "Computer companies have learned by bitter experience to put in bulletproof disclaimer clauses," says Lee Gesmer, a Boston computer lawyer.
  30. D'Andrilli admits no clothing is ever truly "bulletproof," but demonstrates that Kevlar pads will stop slugs and can save lives.
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