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 bullfight ['bulfait]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 斗牛

  1. The bull forgot all about the matador and ran at the drunk who had wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight.
  2. It was said that bullfighter was gored to death in last week's bullfight.
  3. During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.

[ noun ]
a Spanish or Portuguese or Latin American spectacle; a matador baits and (usually) kills a bull in an arena before many spectators

Bullfight \Bull"fight`\, Bullfighting \Bull"fight`ing\, n.
a sport of great antiquity, in which men torment, and fight
with, a bull or bulls in an arena, for public amusement, --
still popular in Spain, Portugal and Latin American. In the
Spanish version a matador kills the bull with a sword after
the bull has been weakened by wounds from small barbed rods,
and after he has displayed courage and artistic skill in
causing the bull to charge many times while he stands still
or nearly still. In some versions the bull is not killed.
Occasionally the matador is wounded or killed by the bull. --
{Bull"fight`er}, n.

Syn: corrida.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

  1. Speaking of Portillo, the young Thatcherite standard-bearer has easily won this year's prize for the most imaginative ministerial Christmas card. Harking back to his Spanish ancestry, Portillo's greeting depicts a Garland cartoon of a Spanish bullfight.
  2. Later, at a bullfight held on the ranch, a young matador nods in Mr. Diaz Serrano's direction before plunging the dagger into the prostrate bull's throat.
  3. A lifelong bullfight enthusiast, the count left the army to take over the family farm when his father died in 1954.
  4. And so we left Juan gazing beyond the Morrish baths at the kittens on the cobblestones, and headed back towards the new town built by the Christians. We visited the bullfight museum.
  5. Pasqual weaves the stagey events of the piece - a multiple duel, a ghostly haunting, a conversation through a grille, a bullfight offstage, a royal visitation - into a visually satisfying rural tapestry.
  6. Poholik said he plans to deny another permit to the bullfight promoters.
  7. To answer such assertions, he offered these lines: "The bullfight critics, ranked in rows, Fill the enormous plaza full.
  8. With a tap of his hand, Mexican matador Manuel Espinosa symbolically killed an 842-pound bull, drawing a chorus of "ole" at a bloodless bullfight Sunday.
  9. In the French city of Nimes, about 15 members of France's bullfighters' union occupied a chamber at City Hall protesting that Spaniards were getting too many of the jobs at a coming bullfight festival.
  10. The bulls that make the morning run fight and die in the evening bullfight.
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