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 bullhorn   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 手提式电子扩音器

  1. The only way he could have made what he was saying any louder would be with a bullhorn.
  2. But Congress, lacking the presidential bullhorn, is a much less effective policymaking instrument than the White House, as Mr Gingrich eventually discovered.
  3. A police officer, standing about15 yards away, held upacardboard sign offering a telephone land line as anotherofficerheld up the handset. A third officer used a bullhorn.

[ noun ]
a portable loudspeaker with built-in microphone and amplifier

bullhorn \bullhorn\ n.
a portable loudspeaker with built-in microphone and

Syn: loud-hailer.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Clark gained fame and plaudits from the Reagan administration and most of his school's students and parents for his no-nonsense approach, which included roaming the halls with a baseball bat and a bullhorn.
  2. Volunteers jumped from a fourth floor window onto a giant air-filled cushion, following directions barked through a bullhorn.
  3. The voice on a bullhorn ordered the students to disperse.
  4. Several anti-war demonstrators began speaking into a bullhorn across the street from the concert hall, protesting the United States' military buildup in the Persian Gulf in response to Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait.
  5. Authorities periodically shouted through a bullhorn to keep Thomas awake. "We don't want him resting or sleeping.
  6. Washington "Maybe next year our situation will be normal," he tells them through a bullhorn, "but we have to survive until the end of this year." The truck company is on strike, and Autosan's employees have downed tools in sympathy.
  7. I chose the black flag because of the sad state of affairs on our campus and in our country." To enforce the ban on rallies, guardsmen drove past in a jeep, ordering students through a bullhorn to leave the commons.
  8. Even Pauley, who keeps a scrupulously happy face, seemed exasperated by Gumbel's long-time war of words with the host of NBC's "Late Night," which stemmed from Letterman's bullhorn disruption of a prime-time "Today" special.
  9. NBC was not amused, said the puckish Elliott, whom viewers saw using a bullhorn to hail NBC's show, ask permission to board what he called the "S.S. Today," and interview co-hosts Bryant Gumbel and Deborah Norville.
  10. Tough-guy principal Joe Clark has to put aside his bullhorn and bat for a while as he recovers from surgery to replace an infected heart valve.
  11. When the doors were closed, locked-out applicants pounded on windows and doors until the INS's district director climbed atop a trash dumpster and calmed the crowd by shouting through a bullhorn, promising to receive all applications this week.
  12. Clark, who attained nationwide fame at Paterson's Eastside High School for carrying a bat and a bullhorn to fight drugs and crime, has stayed busy reading fan mail, said Tom Casey, spokesman for Newark Beth Israel Medical Center.
  13. Police spoke with one brother through a bullhorn but were unable to contact the other, Jezoir said.
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