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 bowline knot 添加此单词到默认生词本

    bowline knot
    [ noun ]
    a loop knot that neither slips nor jams

    Bowline \Bow"line\, n. [Cf. D. boelijn, Icel. b["o]gl["i]na?,
    Dan. bovline; properly the line attached to the shoulder or
    side of the sail. See {Bow} (of a ship), and {Line}.] (Naut.)
    A rope fastened near the middle of the leech or perpendicular
    edge of the square sails, by subordinate ropes, called
    bridles, and used to keep the weather edge of the sail tight
    forward, when the ship is closehauled.

    {Bowline bridles}, the ropes by which the bowline is fastened
    to the leech of the sail.

    {Bowline knot}. See Illust. {under Knot}.

    {On a bowline}, close-hauled or sailing close to the wind; --
    said of a ship.

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