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 Bowmans capsule 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Mr. Bowman and his family sold their stock in the Greenville, Texas, S&L in 1983 shortly after he became commissioner.
    2. Robert A. Bowman State Treasurer State of Michigan Lansing, Mich.
    3. In southwestern North Dakota, about 4 inches of snow fell overnight and during the morning between Bowman and Mott.
    4. The job of political leaders is to shape public opinion, especially on an issue of such vital importance to our future. Sir Jeffery Bowman, The Old Rectory, Boreham, Nr.
    5. "Say what you will about it, but you can't call them anything but candid and up-front about putting it up before the voters," Bowman said.
    6. Bowman had been the division's second ranking environmental official.
    7. "It just seems to me that management here has been overly well compensated," says DeWitt Bowman, chief investment officer of the California Public Employees Retirement System, which owns a half-million Time Warner shares.
    8. Federal taxes could add up to 20 percent to the cost of a trust contract, if the trust were to invest fully in taxable bonds, Michigan Treasurer Robert Bowman said.
    9. "The fifth passenger said he had had his fill of flying for the day," said Bowman.
    10. "We looked at what we could estimate as damages," says DeWitt Bowman, chief investment officer of the California Public Employees Retirement System, a major Salomon client.
    11. Mr. Bowman also continues to favor huge Microsoft as the powerhouse among software makers.
    12. During testimony, Murray touched directly on several of Bowman's charges.
    13. It costs $15,000 to equip a bus with a wheelchair lift and buses cost about $200,000, according to Joaquin Bowman, a spokesman for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.
    14. The ratings for long-term bonds in the HOST program parallel Michigan's overall bond rating and are just one notch below the highest, said state Treasurer Robert Bowman.
    15. They did a fine job in a difficult situation." Bowman said Indianapolis-based Allegheny Commuter is a feeder airline for USAir.
    16. Microsoft, the largest OTC stock, roared ahead as investors such as Lawrence Bowman, manager of the Fidelity Emerging Growth Fund, shed their fears about the software maker's near-term outlook.
    17. Bowman said that while the recapitalization is positive for Shearson, American Express' credit rating could come under pressure if it is forced to continue injecting large amounts of capital into the brokerage.
    18. "We should be prepared to live without the position of environmental manager for some time, e.g. up to two years," said a company memo dated six weeks before Bowman's dismissal.
    19. Based in Atlanta, RJR is one of 95 U.S. companies with South African involvement, according to a list Bowman compiled in compliance with the law which took effect Jan. 1.
    20. Michigan Treasurer Robert Bowman said such an investment conflicted with a law effective Jan. 1 banning state investments in companies with ties to South Africa due to that country's policy of apartheid or race separation.
    21. DeWitt Bowman, chief financial officer for the influential California Employees' Retirement System, a $56 billion pension fund known as Calpers, is blunt: "There was really no attempt by the company to put its best foot forward.
    22. The blending of the counter-tenor soloists, James Bowman and Timothy Wilson, was suitably other-worldly.
    23. David W. Bowman, formerly vice president, general counsel and secretary of Harris Graphics Corp., was named senior vice president and general counsel of this energy concern.
    24. Mr. McBirney's thrift paid Mr. Bowman in cash and a five-year note, Mr. Bowman says.
    25. Mr. McBirney's thrift paid Mr. Bowman in cash and a five-year note, Mr. Bowman says.
    26. John Bowman said Asberry died of a gunshot wound to the chest.
    27. The Bowman Gray research questions the accuracy of this 30-year-old acid test.
    28. Mobil is seeking permission from the court to introduce evidence showing Mr. Bowman's alleged misrepresentations involving his military history, academic references and resumes.
    29. A study by Dr. J.R. Kaplan of Bowman Gray School of Medicine looked at the effects f cholesterol on monkeys.
    30. "I was skeptical at first," said Bowman, 51, of Canton. "Poor people have had so many things promised.
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