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 bowling ['bәuliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 保龄球戏

  1. An opening made to fit a thumb, as in a bowling ball.
  2. A wood-surfaced passageway or alley along which a bowling ball is rolled.
  3. A pin used in some games of bowling.

[ noun ]
  1. a game in which balls are rolled at an object or group of objects with the aim of knocking them over or moving them

  2. <noun.act>
  3. (cricket) the act of delivering a cricket ball to the batsman

  4. <noun.act>
  5. the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc

  6. <noun.act>

Bowl \Bowl\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bowled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To roll, as a bowl or cricket ball.

Break all the spokes and fellies from her wheel,
And bowl the round nave down the hill of heaven.

2. To roll or carry smoothly on, or as on, wheels; as, we
were bowled rapidly along the road.

3. To pelt or strike with anything rolled.

Alas, I had rather be set quick i' the earth,
And bowled to death with turnips? --Shak.

{To bowl} (a player) {out}, in cricket, to put out a striker
by knocking down a bail or a stump in bowling.

Bowling \Bowl"ing\, n.
The act of playing at or rolling bowls, or of rolling the
ball at cricket; the game of bowls or of tenpins.

{Bowling alley}, a covered place for playing at bowls or

{Bowling green}, a level piece of greensward or smooth ground
for bowling, as the small park in lower Broadway, New
York, where the Dutch of New Amsterdam played this game.

  1. I've got some magic tricks and I throw out cheap novelties to the crowd." He also juggles bowling pins. "Four is the most I can do, and three is plenty." Fred Young often plays drums shirtless, borrowing the idea from other drummers he's seen.
  2. Most popular were top-ranked Power Alley Electronic Bowling by Marchon, an electronic extravaganza designed to turn a playroom into a bowling alley, and the Sound Machine Water Cannon fire engine by Nylint.
  3. Some technologies work better than others; such unlikely items as blue jeans and bowling balls can stall garbage-shredding machinery, for example.
  4. To get to the Petersen, you must climb 22 shabbily carpeted stairs to the building's second floor, no mean feat when you're lugging a couple of bowling balls.
  5. As a major promoter of the sport, Brunswick plans to be a principal sponsor this summer when bowling is rolled out as an exhibition sport in the Olympics.
  6. No wonder John Major prefers a game of cricket in South Africa when his own cabinet is still bowling him such googlies.
  7. In the early 1980s, long before junk bonds put a pin-striped gloss on going into hock, Mr. Farley parlayed promissory notes into a dozen plants making such unglamorous items as screws and pinsetters for bowling alleys.
  8. Shortly after 6 p.m. Saturday, the Fama jury asked to have Sunday off so they could sleep late then go bowling and see a movie.
  9. "We use our FAX machines constantly to share facts about the bowling industry," Mr. Hillman says.
  10. "If a lot of people come, the air is not so fresh," he added, while walking through the deserted exercise room, three-lane bowling alley and billiards room.
  11. Willis and Ms. Moore also have become patrons of Cardinal Lanes, showing up about every other day with friends and bodyguards, and have bought bowling balls and shoes, said manager Byrl Gast.
  12. Classmates still remember his birthday parties, including one at a bowling alley rented for the occasion where Edgar, a fifth-grader, bought cigarettes from a vending machine on the sly.
  13. As creators and co-hosts of "The Collectors" series on PBS, Rau and Garrett have seen passions ranging from classic cars to fine crystal, from priceless antiques to two-per-penny baseball cards and vintage bowling shirts.
  14. Brunswick's bowling lanes now are synthetic, which make them easier to care for than wood lanes and provide a more consistent rolling surface.
  15. In recent years, Hammacher has offered bowling lanes and used London taxicabs.
  16. Joy Hall, 11, enjoys talking in front of television cameras and radio microphones _ when she isn't practicing gymnastics, bowling or playing basketball.
  17. "I've seen people here increase their averages as much as 30 pins with no increase in skill," offers Steve Kelley, a bowling proprietor in Omaha.
  18. The bill would ban machines from such places as restaurants, bowling alleys and theaters.
  19. Instead of asking Rose to kiss his bride, Lewan said: "The couple will consummate their marriage by rolling the bowling balls down the alley." He left two pins standing, she left five.
  20. "I didn't want to bring that junk into my bowling center," says George Hadler, co-owner of the plush Bowling Palace.
  21. We hope we shall see you." Chicago Bears Coach Mike Ditka is taking his steak-and-chops fare on the road after signing a tentative agreement to transform a bowling alley into a copy of his popular restaurant-nightclub.
  22. Also riveting to the British are hours of dart-throwing championships, even more hours of lawn bowling contests and still more hours of snooker marathons.
  23. Wells estimated bowling alleys would lose at least 10 percent of their customers if Measure 6 passes, and argued that the existing law has been a success in providing separate accommodations for smokers and non-smokers.
  24. Mr. Miller, the chief executive of Vulcan Corp., a Cincinnati company that makes bowling pins and shoe parts, became a director of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. in April.
  25. It could be a gambling casino, a condominium, a bowling alley, a thousand-screen multiplex movie theater, somebody's corporate headquarters.
  26. BriAnne Koo, who has been bowling for all of 10 weeks, is glad that gutter balls are behind her.
  27. That works out to about $9 per game per player on the dozen-member rosters, or "about what an evening of bowling costs.
  28. But Johnson, 29, a former Los Angeles Rams cheerleader and Chippendales' nightclub dancer, refuses to abandon turkey bowling.
  29. "A lot of people take bowling too seriously," confides Joe Bowler, whose mother went bowling the night she gave birth to him. "Mom was tough.
  30. "A lot of people take bowling too seriously," confides Joe Bowler, whose mother went bowling the night she gave birth to him. "Mom was tough.
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