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 bootlegger ['bu:tlegә添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 造私酒者, 走私者, 走私犯

  1. A backwoods bootlegger decides to put the driving skills he developed evading the law to good use.

[ noun ]
someone who makes or sells illegal liquor

  1. His father, Carey Falwell, was a restaurateur and bootlegger who killed his drug-addled younger brother in a gun battle, then died of cirrhosis of the liver when Mr. Falwell was 15.
  2. 'Prohibition brought into being a new kind of criminal: the bootlegger.
  3. Hoppe claimed self-defense, testifying that he fired a shotgun at Hudson only after the bootlegger drove up beside his car on a dark street and pointed a pistol at him.
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