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 bootlegging ['butlɛgɪŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 走私漏税

  1. Bootleg gin; bootleg tapes.
  2. He’s caught bootlegging again.
  3. Bootlegging is in one sense‘ old-fashioned’ smuggling.

[ noun ]
  1. the act of making or transporting alcoholic liquor for sale illegally

  2. <noun.act>
    the Prohibition amendment made bootlegging profitable
  3. the act of selling illegally or without permission

  4. <noun.act>
    the bootlegging of videotapes is common in Asia

  1. And we should guard against the tax being too high, as a very high tax would lead to bootlegging, moonshining and no real change in behavior.
  2. "She was the only woman in our part of Williamsburg who was arrested three times for bootlegging," he said in a 1987 newspaper interview.
  3. The magnetic tape that the industry had feared would promote bootlegging made the home tape recorder the center of a music system that the industry captured with pre-recorded tapes.
  4. Arthur Schwartz, a racket-busting federal prosecutor who won a bootlegging conviction against Jack "Legs" Diamond, has died at age 86.
  5. He says the solution is two-fold: the government must reduce the financial attractions of bootlegging, while brewers and publicans must work with the police to combat crime.
  6. Many people doubt they will see a smoke-free society in Norway. Taxes of 250 percent and numerous restrictions did not stop people from drinking alcohol, but did lead to widespread bootlegging and home distilling.
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