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 boots [bu:ts]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. He was clumping about in heavy boots that time.
  2. He wiped his dirty boots on the mat before entering the room.

Boots \Boots\, n.
A servant at a hotel or elsewhere, who cleans and blacks the
boots and shoes.

  1. Partly as a result of the emergency imports, which included razor blades, soap, winter boots and clothes, the Soviet Union posted a trade deficit last year for the first time in 14 years.
  2. "I want to go with my boots on," he laughs.
  3. While a tennis shoe, for instance, rarely sells for more than Dollars 120 a pair, hiking boots are often Dollars 200 or more.
  4. In the one-store hamlet of Spotted Horse, former roustabout Craig McGee, a slight man in scuffed boots and torn jeans, downs a beer and reviews his job search: tried to get hired as a dogcatcher but wasn't qualified, tried for a jailer's job but failed.
  5. Twenty years later, he has just the one pair of boots.
  6. Before he left, security agents made him slip into thick, thigh-high rubber boots borrowed from the local fire department.
  7. "They are not quite in the spending mood," said Rad Cagle, an oil show director, sporting a Stetson hat and snake-skin boots.
  8. Like the jeans he wears and the food he eats when he's not on one of his well-publicized hunger strikes, the tan boots are donations.
  9. Light-weight hiking boots with good ankle support are recommended, and it is a good idea to take a small back-pack for snacks, a change of clothes and rain-gear. There are a number of guides to the Wealdway.
  10. Recently, for example, Bean received 999 pairs of dark green rubber boots from a vendor.
  11. Two men selling part-turtle boots were certain they wouldn't run out.
  12. Secondly, the racer gains extra leverage in turning the ski; the tilting of the boot is transmitted more into a carving effect at the ski's edges. Racers are now fitting riser pads to take their boots even higher.
  13. At night and on weekends in 1988, the group donned military fatigues and army boots and watched violent films, held firing practice in the barn and practiced how to recognize types of weapons and load and unload them in the dark, investigators said.
  14. Sooner or later, you will slide or step into a pool deeper than your boots, and wet feet will be added to other discomforts. In such circumstances, self-control is lost easily.
  15. "A good cowboy dies with his boots on," she said he told her.
  16. But in his speech, which was broadcast by Cable News Network, Mr. Reagan said that "there's nothing humanitarian about asking people to go up against Soviet helicopter gunships with nothing more than boots and bandages."
  17. This country really does have its own wonderful way of ensuring that no one gets too big for his boots.'
  18. Rock star Elton John's treasures, from glitzy spectacles and platform boots to Rembrandt etchings and Tiffany lamps, are up for sale and Sotheby's auction house predicts they will bring in more than $5 million.
  19. Both were dressed in several layers of winter gear, boots, hats and gloves and did not suffer from the cold, but they said they were unconscious at least half the time they were buried.
  20. When Hurricane Hugo battered this island community it uncovered well-preserved Civil War artifacts including smoking pipes, leather boots and wooden buttons from a Union camp, officials said.
  21. When particularly delicate stalking was required, Mary would remove her boots and hunt in her stockinged feet.' These days our needs are simpler but it is still possible to get it wrong. The classic mistakes are to dress as if going to a theme party.
  22. To the literary mind, it called up comfortingly noble images of gaunt men in hob-nailed boots gathering under great iron wheels, or women in shawls mashing tea by blackened cottage hearths.
  23. Skinheads are known for their shaved heads, heavy boots and Nazi insignia.
  24. The disclosure forms showed that both the Bushes and the Quayles collected more than $20,000 in all kinds of personal gifts, from cowboy boots, to evening bags to baseball cards.
  25. They traveled in these black vans, they had these uniforms tucked into boots.
  26. So we switched to standard plastic downhill ski boots which were rigid and allowed us enough foot purchase, when used with 'skinned' skis, to haul the mammoth loads.
  27. Shirttail out, boots caked with mud, the soldier speaks in an insolent tone.
  28. An hour-long tongue-lashing by guards in wide-brimmed hats and shiny boots begins the moment the youths arrive from the county jail.
  29. Howard's skeleton was still partially clad in jeans and hiking boots.
  30. She said, `I'll buy the land so you'll have it when you're ready to build.' "The next morning I put on boots and went to the boondocks, looking at land.
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