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 afoot [ә'fut]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 徒步的, 在进行中的, 活动中的

ad. 徒步, 在进行中

  1. I set a project afoot.
  2. The work is well afoot.
  3. If there is any mischief afoot, he is sure to be in at it.

[ adv ]
  1. on foot; walking

  2. <adv.all>
    they went to the village afoot
    quail are hunted either afoot or on horseback
[ adj ]
  1. traveling by foot

  2. <adj.all>
    she was afoot when I saw her this morning
  3. currently in progress

  4. <adj.all>
    there is mischief afoot
    plans are afoot
    preparations for the trial are underway

Afoot \A*foot"\, adv. [Pref. a- + foot.]
1. On foot.

We 'll walk afoot a while. --Shak.

2. Fig.: In motion; in action; astir; in progress.

The matter being afoot. --Shak.

  1. On Thursday, CBS' "48 Hours" is taking at look at West Point, while ABC's Ted Koppel has afoot an unusual superpower game played by top Soviet and American officials, most of them now out of office.
  2. If he flubs one, or if a defender goofs -look out. As already noted in the FT this week, there is no slower pair afoot than Ronald Koeman and Frank de Boer of Holland, though both compensate in other ways.
  3. But plans were afoot to replace the V-bombers altogether with a ballistic missile, Blue Streak. In 1960, when Blue Streak was judged unviable and scrapped, the Macmillan government plumped for a US-designed air-launched missile, Skybolt.
  4. Now we learn there's a movement afoot to amend the act, ostensibly to make it more workable.
  5. Crowe also said Sunday that despite the "change afoot" in the Soviet Union, an agreement soon on reducing the two superpowers' long-range nuclear arsenals is unlikely.
  6. "There is something afoot with the Russians," she said. "Apparently there are some Russian visitors in Washington.
  7. Several moves are afoot, though the effect of these actions may turn out to be fairly slight.
  8. These are qualities which the game of bridge lacked then - and lacks still, some would argue. Sixty years on from Culbertson's new business venture, something similar is afoot in London.
  9. Depending on which language you choose, you will view a competitor squawking over a merger either as a sign that there's wrongdoing afoot or as merely the predictable outcry that accompanies any market-efficient acquisition.
  10. A move is afoot in the Philippine Senate to close the bases. President Corazon Aquino, scheduled to visit the United States in November, has refused to say whether she favors keeping the bases, which employ some 70,000 Filipinos.
  11. Still, many around CBS feel the recent appointment of Mr. Ober as news president is a sign that change is afoot on the "Evening News."
  12. The first time Katie Monahan's parochial school teacher and family were introduced, at the beginning of the series, it became clear something new and significant was afoot on prime time.
  13. But as he surveys middle England this autumn, his verdict is that something strange is afoot. 'The government has a big problem,' he admits.
  14. Their subtle game was afoot. There is no indication that Horne ever saw the edition: if he did, perhaps he thought of it as a quaint conceit, suggests Collins in his book.
  15. But a move is afoot to get it on more dinner tables across the nation.
  16. The U.S. Southern Command, having been alerted about 30 hours in advance that a move against Noriega was afoot, began blocking key access routes to the military headquarters before dawn on Tuesday.
  17. Agents and union leaders claimed conspiracy was afoot.
  18. But in recent days, it has churned over in big volumes because of whispers that a takeover or restructuring might be afoot.
  19. Verbal prodigality in the legal profession is not the greatest sin afoot in the world today.
  20. Plans are also afoot to auction some of Mr. Carter's old shoes, starting at $150 a pair.
  21. There is a nanny shortage afoot, and no amount of parental petulance will ensure that you can hire a nursemaid for your children.
  22. Like the railways in the 19th- and the telephone system in the 20th-century, there is a technological revolution afoot which stretches wherever a computer can be linked to others via satellite.
  23. There was no organized move afoot for the federation to condemn abortion.
  24. If genuinely private and voluntary efforts are to be permitted to establish "mediating institutions" between the state and the individual, then something very new indeed is afoot.
  25. It may, sadly, be the only thing we go to department stores for, now every high street is full of specialists in every fashion area. But something is afoot with both stores and coats.
  26. There are plans afoot for a new professional league to replace the one effectively killed by Pele's retirement 15 years ago from the New York Cosmos.
  27. Talks are afoot to bring a fourth syndicate, managed by Stewart & Hughman, into this arrangement.
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