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 afoul [ə'faʊl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 冲撞着

[法] 破撞, 缠住, 冲突

  1. He argued with his father and has run afoul of him ever since.
  2. The boat ran afoul of a buoy.
  3. This ran afoul of the law.

[ adj ]
especially of a ship's lines etc
with its sails afoula foul anchor

Afoul \A*foul"\, adv. & a. [Pref. a- + foul.]
In collision; entangled. --Totten.

{To run afoul of}, to run against or come into collision
with, especially so as to become entangled or to cause

  1. Mrs. Allen was once one of Alabama's most popular politicians. She was auditor from 1967 to 1975 and treasurer from 1975 to 1978, when she ran afoul of the law.
  2. But analysts think such a merger would run afoul of European regulators not quite ready for the calamity that deregulation likely holds for most of Europe's state-owned airlines.
  3. Books by former Soviet officials who fell afoul of Josef Stalin went on public display Thursday after decades of being banned from library shelves, an official report said.
  4. When the greatest Russian instrumentalist, cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, ran afoul of the KGB for befriending dissident writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he was forbidden to travel abroad and excluded from Russia's major concert halls.
  5. I personally wonder how he did it without running afoul of the Logan Act, which forbids diplomatic activity by private individuals.
  6. Neither the Justice Department nor the Treasury's department for alcohol and firearms keeps records of women who are licensed to carry or own firearms or who run afoul of the law by their use.
  7. But at least with swap-like instruments, such a plan could run afoul of current Commodity Futures Trading Commission rules that prohibit such a clearing house because it resembles an exchange.
  8. "To force a trial at that time (Sept. 20) would cause a proceeding without even the semblance of fairness and run afoul of the most basic principles of due process required by the Constitution," said North attorney Barry S. Simon.
  9. Mr. Kaminsky was not a typical Random House gent, and that is one reason he ran afoul of Mr. Bernstein.
  10. One of the two opposition members, Joshua B. Jeyaretnam, was cashiered from Parliament for running afoul of party-finance-reporting laws.
  11. Only one other Lee pupil has run afoul of the rule, Muzik said, and that boy's parents promptly took him to a barbershop.
  12. Banks now own an estimated $100 billion of mortgage derivatives and a share of those holdings could run afoul of any regulations from the Comptroller's office.
  13. Pfizer's efforts to market Plax also ran afoul of the Food and Drug Administration, which challenged the claims the company made for its anti-plaque product as well as those of other marketers.
  14. Still more presidential nominees have run afoul of the Senate and failed to win confirmation, according to a Library of Congress study.
  15. Toekes had run afoul of authorities by championing Hungarian rights.
  16. As a result, these laws don't run afoul of federal civil-rights law, which prohibits employment discrimination.
  17. GMAC Capital Corp., a unit of General Motors Corp., already has run afoul of the six-month moratorium that Visa imposed Nov. 30 on membership by institutions owned by nonbanking companies.
  18. Spuds MacKenzie, the "party dog" of the Bud Light commercials, has run afoul of an Ohio law banning Santa Claus from beer ads.
  19. That first attempt at a reunion ran afoul when the tape on McDole's answering machine ran out before she could give her last name and telephone number.
  20. The State Department thinks that foreign-government donations to a political lobby such as TransAfrica may run afoul of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
  21. In a federal lawsuit in Bridgeport, Conn., Great Northern claims Georgia-Pacific's $3.8 billion hostile tender offer would run afoul of antitrust laws in the check-paper business and other areas.
  22. Father Dowling is always running afoul of church hierarchy in the person of James Stephens as Father Prestwick, the bishop's aide.
  23. She discovered she had run afoul of Takoma Park's trash rules after a local television station showed videotape pictures of her trash stored in the wrong kind of bags.
  24. Some of their early attempts at credit derivatives marketing backfired when an early strategy - repackaging low-grade debt into trust securities that were reissued as top-rated but high-yielding bonds - ran afoul of Standard and Poor's.
  25. President Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House in 1868, after running afoul of Radical Republicans in Congress during the troubled period after the Civil War.
  26. As First Executive's operations grew, they from time to time ran afoul of insurance regulators, particularly in New York, where officials objected to company reporting and reinsurance practices.
  27. Last year Angelica ran afoul of the National Labor Relations Board, and last month a federal appeals court upheld an NLRB ruling that Angelica had wrongly refused to bargain with a union.
  28. A proposed amendment to Malaysia's Printing and Publications Act threatens sharper restrictions and stiffer penalties for domestic and foreign news organizations that run afoul of the government's standard of responsible journalism.
  29. When Japan's biggest manufacturer ran afoul of Mead Corp.'s Lexis trademark, it was only the latest corporate giant to be snagged by a smaller company with a prior mark.
  30. Mr. Rial later ran afoul of the preferred shareholders after the company failed to pay two preferred dividends and make payments toward retiring preferred stock issued during the buyout of Kaiser.
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