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 afore [ə'for]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 在前

prep. 在...前

  1. I heard about enough of yer sniveling. Shut yer fly trap' afore I shut it for ye!
  2. Failure by Party A to provide any of the afore mentioned documents shall constitute breach of this contract.
  3. Most psychotherapeutic techniques available today could be classified into one of the four afore mentioned therapeutic strategies.

Afore \A*fore"\, adv. [OE. afore, aforn, AS. onforan or
[ae]tforan; pref. a- + fore.]
1. Before. [Obs.]

If he have never drunk wine afore. --Shak.

2. (Naut.) In the fore part of a vessel.

Afore \A*fore"\, prep.
1. Before (in all its senses). [Archaic]

2. (Naut.) Before; in front of; farther forward than; as,
afore the windlass.

{Afore the mast}, among the common sailors; -- a phrase used
to distinguish the ship's crew from the officers.

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