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 Uzbek   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乌兹别克[语]

    [ noun ]
    1. a member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighboring areas

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian soviet

    4. <noun.location>
    5. the Turkic language spoken by the Uzbek

    6. <noun.communication>

    1. The Uzbek legislature now has 12 committees working between sessions to solve political, social and economic problems, Tass said, quoting the legislature's president, Pulat Khabibullaev.
    2. An Uzbek grass-roots movement, Berlik, appealed today to the Soviet parliament to remedy the miserable living conditions that it said helped give rise to the unrest.
    3. The violence began when 10,000 fans waiting in afternoon heat were told a team from Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, had failed to show up for the game, Pravda said.
    4. But unrest continued Saturday in nearby regions, especially in Uzgen, which is predominantly Uzbek, Soviet TV reported Sunday night.
    5. Kadyrov had struggled in recent months swelling Uzbek nationalism, which led to formation of a grass-roots political movement and ethnic unrest that killed 100 people in the Fergana Valley.
    6. He said 618,000 acres of cotton fields near the border are being made available by the Uzbek government and local Kirghiz authorities are controlling it.
    7. The demonstrators believe the bills do not go far enough in protecting the status of the Uzbek language.
    8. VOA Director Richard Carlson informed employees on Friday that the Lao, Greek, Turkish, Swahili, Slovene and Uzbek language programs would remain on the air and their 57 broadcasters and producers would keep their jobs.
    9. But members of the Uzbek majority and Meskhi Turk minority, the target of most of the violence, have said overcrowding and unemployment contributed to it.
    10. So until then, the only way you can find out what your government is saying is to ask your Uncle Boris in Minsk or your Aunt Maria in Havana or your cousins who speak Albanian or Amharic or Estonian or Latvian or Urdu or Uzbek.
    11. An Uzbek deputy who spoke at parliament this morning did not comment directly on the violence, but he described harsh living conditions in the cotton-growing southern republic.
    12. Gdlyan and Ivanov gained national fame in their clean-up of a corruption case that began with an Uzbek collective farm chairman and spread to include top regional officials and the son-in-law of late Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev.
    13. About 60 percent of the population of the region is Kirghiz and 25 percent is Uzbek, the newspaper added.
    14. Uzbek intellectuals press for a more honest portrayal of their nation's history.
    15. In Tashkent, the region's most populous city with 2.1 million inhabitants, there is only one Russian child among the 829 pupils of Middle School No. 9, where instruction is in Uzbek.
    16. Radio Liberty quotes a Gorbachev speech to Uzbek party leaders warning against participation by party members in religious ceremonies.
    17. In the Fergana Valley in June, Uzbek nationalists clashed with minority Meskhetian Turks.
    18. Many Uzbek leaders have been arrested in the past year in a corruption scandal in which, among other things, conspirators underreported cotton production and kept the difference.
    19. In Moscow, Bakhtiyur Khamidov, a senior member of the Uzbek mission to the central government, shook his head sadly at the riots pitting his people against Kirghizis.
    20. Mr Sharif has already visited several of the five republics, and also played host: the Uzbek president was his guest at Pakistan's Independence Day celebrations last month. It is an ambitious move, which might bring benefits to Pakistan.
    21. Unlike their counterparts in the Baltic and Russian republics, the Uzbek Communist Party has kept its grip on power.
    22. The opposition shown by a majority of the Uzbek legislators came less than two months after a few representatives to the Supreme Soviet made history by casting the first handful of "no" votes in more than 60 years.
    23. The Uzbek legislators found "unreasonably low plan targets for many industries," Tass reported.
    24. The indictment referred to Shchelokov and two former Uzbek police officials, and said: "Their involvement in the crimes committed was proved in full measure.
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