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 Uzbekistan   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian soviet

    1. In June, violence between ethnic Meskhi Turks and native Uzbeks in the republic of Uzbekistan left about 100 people dead, officials said.
    2. A Soviet general said Tuesday soldiers fired on six occasions and that 103 civilians were killed and hundreds of houses burned or looted during mass ethnic disturbances in Uzbekistan's Fergana region in June.
    3. Rail services from Uzbekistan have been halted, except for trains from Moscow. The chief aim of the proposed peacekeeping force is to dislodge the warring forces from the southern region of Kurgan-Tyube, where almost all the fighting has taken place.
    4. Tass said initially that Uzbekistan's declaration of independence was approved by a majority of Supreme Soviet members, but it later issued an advisory withdrawing the report.
    5. The restaurant list reads like the itinerary of an early Bolshevik propaganda train: "Minsk," "Kiev," "Uzbekistan."
    6. At least 132 people have died in ethnic unrest during the past month in the southern Soviet republics of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tadzhikistan.
    7. In summarizing the charges, the prosecution said: "The demoralization reached unheard-of levels, especially in the party organs of the republic of Uzbekistan." Mrs. Churbanov, the former Galina Brezhnev, has not attended trial sessions.
    8. The Ukraine move follows similar declarations in the Russian Federation, Moldavia and Uzbekistan, and declarations of outright independence by the Baltic states of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.
    9. Dukhanin had corruption charges dropped against a former Moldavian Communist Party official who reportedly may have been the sole link between Ligachev and Uzbekistan party officials convicted of taking bribes.
    10. Nishanov said the violence in Uzbekistan began with a dispute over the price of strawberries in a market.
    11. The city is in the densely populated western part of Kirghizia on the border with Uzbekistan.
    12. Last June, about 100 people were killed in attacks on them in Uzbekistan's Fergana Valley.
    13. Rioting has centered in Uzbekistan's Fergana Valley.
    14. Most are among the 35,000 Meskhetians who fled the violence in Uzbekistan.
    15. The edition of Ogonyok published Sunday said delegates from the Central Asian republic of Uzbekistan had taken bribes.
    16. Ethnic resentment between Uzbekis and Meskhi Turks, who were forcibly resettled to eastern Uzbekistan's Fergana Valley by Stalin in 1944, exploded in early June.
    17. The Russian federation, the Ukraine, Moldavia and Uzbekistan have declared their sovereignty, proclaiming that local laws take precedence over Soviet law.
    18. "He categorically denies any bribe-taking, although he admits having received significant sums of money from Uzbekistan's party leaders," Tass quoted Makarov as saying.
    19. Yastrebov said he could not specify measures under consideration. He said a group of deputies, including some from Uzbekistan, were told to investigate the latest developments and report back to the Congress on Friday before a decision is taken.
    20. In June, they were targeted in ethnic violence in the Fergava Valley of eastern Uzbekistan that left about 100 people dead.
    21. Meskhi Turks who came to Moscow seeking a meeting with President Mikhail S. Gorbachev blamed poor economic conditions for the unrest, but they also accused bands of attackers from other areas of Uzbekistan for starting the arson and killing.
    22. In Uzbekistan, the local popular front, Birlik (this is separate from the regional Pan-Turkic Birlik), has grown even more quickly.
    23. Tass did not give the date of the vote or the number of "yes" and "no" votes in Uzbekistan, in Central Asia.
    24. Solomentsev and Ligachev were reacting to statements made by criminal investigators Telman Gdlyan and Nikolai Ivanov, who are famous throughout the Soviet Union for their probe into corruption in Uzbekistan.
    25. The Soviet government said widespread corruption and influence peddling permeated the law-enforcement apparatus of Uzbekistan, the Central Asian republic that is central to the trial of Brezhnev's son-in-law.
    26. Ethnic unrest in the Central Asian republic of Uzbekistan reportedly prompted some last-minute schedule changes to allow Gorbachev to stay in close contact with the Kremlin throughout his visit.
    27. Local officials, youth delegations, friends and relatives greeted the convoy of rifle troops as they arrived in the border town of Termez in the Soviet republic of Uzbekistan, the official news agency said.
    28. He has been to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. After Kazakhstan, he will end his 12-day tour in Mongolia.
    29. An official from one of those republics, Uzbekistan, attributed the violence to a group trying to create a "pan-Islamic front" aimed at hysteria and the ouster of the European population.
    30. Since Uzbekistan, for example, provides mainly cotton to Russia, some Central Asia experts worry how much oil Russia will decide is due to it in exchange.
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