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 USgallon 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. In 1939, Robert M. Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago, decreed that football was incompatible with the serious pursuit of higher education, and the U of C dropped the sport.
    2. The program reduced earnings by 23 cents a share for that period, but U S West recouped the money during the rest of the year through the resulting cost savings, the spokesman said.
    3. U S West Inc. postponed plans to sell 17% of its cellular phone business in an initial public offering because of the stock market crash.
    4. Diplomats said the three resigned because they viewed Mr. U Nu's attempt as premature, and as a bid to exploit the chaotic situation for personal political gain.
    5. Denver-based U S West said net income dropped 8.9%, noting that the year-ago quarter included the sale of a building by its BetaWest Properties unit.
    6. U. Edwin Garrison, president of Morton Thiokol's Aerospace Group, was named in April to become president and chief executive officer of the new Thiokol Corp. by Morton Thiokol's board.
    7. 'U is for Unconverted', not tries, but people who do not realise that rugby is the greatest game in the world.
    8. 'U is for Ugly' no prejudice here.
    9. In addition, he attacked the recent formation of a rival government by former Prime Minister U Nu.
    10. "First of all we are going to release all the political prisoners including Aung San Suu Kyi and Tin Oo," Myint U, a league official, said when asked what the party would do if it scored a commanding victory.
    11. Former Prime Minister U Nu, Burma's last elected leader before the military ousted him 26 years ago, defied the country's authoritarian rulers Friday and announced the formation of a rival government.
    12. But U S West, a regional telephone company based in Englewood, Colo., said it couldn't compete effectively because of regulatory constraints.
    13. U S West Inc., pressured by anti-pornography activists, is preparing to revoke access by so-called dial-a-porn services to its 14-state telephone network.
    14. MCI Communications Corp. on Tuesday reported a record profit and strong gains in long-distance calling volume in its first quarter. Profits also rose at GTE Corp., Pacific Telesis Group and U S West.
    15. Students and dock workers have formed illegal unions and 21 elder statesmen created a Committee for Democracy led by Win Maung, 72, who was president in Prime Minister U Nu's government.
    16. A division of U S West Inc. selected Campbell-Mithun Inc., a Minneapolis-based unit of Saatchi & Saatchi Co., as its advertising agency.
    17. A second pro-democracy group, made up of followers of one-time Prime Minister U Nu, also registered, while a third opposition political party announced its formation.
    18. About 27,000 HUD-owned houses across the country went back on the market Thursday morning, following U. S. District Judge Oliver Gasch's refusal to extend a ban on their sale.
    19. The 83-year-old U Nu was elected in 1960 and ousted in 1962, the beginning of one-party military rule.
    20. U S West's plan underscores a new industry priority for emergency-recovery systems.
    21. For a single circuit with five miles of alternate-route protection, U S West proposes to charge about $626 a month. More elaborate circuitry designed to serve multiple locations as a private network is likely to cost $25,000 to $46,000 a month or more.
    22. In a public offering earlier this month, the regional Bell holding company sold 9.66 million shares of common stock of its unit, U S West NewVector Group Inc., at $20 a share.
    23. The strong results "signify that AST is successfully penetrating the first-tier world-wide PC marketplace," said Safi U. Qureshey, co-chairman and chief executive officer.
    24. At U S West, Mr. Ames already has wide experience in regulatory and financial areas.
    25. U S West is currently authorized in Utah to collect an annual rate of return of 14.2% of shareholders' equity.
    26. Mr. Madison, 51, also was named an executive vice president of U S West.
    27. A Bell Atlantic spokesman said his company and U S West expect to pay for design, construction and operating costs of the venture with hard currency, while wages would be paid in local currency.
    28. "Becoming a household name is very tough," concedes Jack L. Sommars, executive director of advertising for Denver-based U S West Inc.
    29. U S West carried its campaign to Colorado earlier this year, proposing a bill to lift all regulation except for some controls on local service.
    30. With its telephone company units stagnant, U S West Inc. is counting on non-telephone operations to boost its 1987 earnings 4% to 6%.
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