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 unruly [,ʌn'ru:li]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 难控制的, 无法无天的, 任性的

    unrulier, unruliest
    [ adj ]
    1. noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

    2. <adj.all>
      a boisterous crowd
      a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand
      a robustious group of teenagers
      beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings
      an unruly class
    3. unwilling to submit to authority

    4. <adj.all>
      unruly teenagers
    5. of persons

    6. <adj.all>
      the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly

    Unruly \Un*rul"y\, a. [Compar. {Unrulier}, superl. {Unruliest}.]
    [Pref. un- not + rule. Cf. {Ruly}.]
    Not submissive to rule; disregarding restraint; disposed to
    violate; turbulent; ungovernable; refractory; as, an unruly
    boy; unruly boy; unruly conduct.

    But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil,
    full of deadly poison. --James iii.

    1. There is a shortage of clinics, hospitals and classrooms; two years ago, Benitez said, he quit his job teaching high school history because of unruly students.
    2. Presumably, every white face was also rich. Was Sitangkai as rough and unruly as the other towns of the Sulu Sea?
    3. Unfortunately, as many new owners are discovering, Dalmatians can be unruly.
    4. Six Cuban prisoners became unruly during a cell transfer Friday, and three officers and an inmate suffered minor injuries in the fracas, authorities said.
    5. In 1829, an unruly crowd mobbed the White House during the inaugural reception for President Andrew Jackson.
    6. He said they were undisciplined and unruly children, and he was trying to discipline them, and the mother said the same thing," Beavers said.
    7. THE NEW French government will quickly have to bring France's unruly fishermen to heel.
    8. Still, a security program that singles out unruly people for attention carries its own dangers.
    9. Trouble apparently started when mounted police moved a small group of unruly demonstrators away from Downing Street, where Mrs. Thatcher lives, into Trafalgar Square.
    10. The speculation grew so unruly by July that the Chinese government reconsidered its open-mindedness.
    11. But Samir Geagea faces trouble with Syria, which blames him for a political crisis that threatens to formally partition Lebanon and scuttle Syria's hopes of controlling its unruly neighbor.
    12. At the school's front door, Henderson surprised Mrs. Ruiz and Officer Greg Jaglowski, who had been called there to remove an unruly student.
    13. The Conservative party is an unruly coalition of free market liberals, continental-style Christian Democrats, would-be fundamentalists, ranting little Englanders and sophisticated internationalists.
    14. "Good children's theater does not reduce or patronize," he said. "There is an unruly and tiresome 4-year-old in me." Redford said the first production of "Peter Pan" is planned for 1990.
    15. It is a tradition that goes back to the 18th century when Polish nobles proudly refused to fund a provisionary army, telling the royalty that they were pleased to be "unruly."
    16. Though idealized, the Buckmans have their problems: Their divorced 40ish daughter's children are unruly; their youngest son is a ne'er-do-well who periodically returns home to cadge a loan.
    17. Communism suffered its first Big Mac attack Thursday as McDonald's opened a restaurant in Yugoslavia, and police were called in to keep customers who lined up for hours from getting too unruly under the golden arches.
    18. The mother superior, Prioress Mother Theresa Hewitt, called the standoff a "scandal" when the nuns took over the infirmary and criticized the unruly members of her order for disrupting the cloistered lifestyle.
    19. He said people outside began throwing stones when they heard a shot fired inside the prison to quiet unruly detainees and troops moved in to quell the disturbance.
    20. But as the ranks of hunters have grown and become unruly, a situation aggravated by alcohol and drug use, some private land owners have been restricting access to their property, officials say.
    21. In almost every corner of the industry, market growth has been held back by an unruly struggle over standards.
    22. "I had a choice: stand in a long, unruly unemployment line or be a student," Timper says. "Siebel is considered a very good steppingstone to further a career or start one.
    23. We skipped the low comedy, though we attended an unruly supper with the Pope.
    24. Tall and clunky with unruly straw-colored hair, he is the ideal foil for the marvelous Streep.
    25. Since then, officials have taken measures to gain control over the unruly student population.
    26. Third-graders in Mary Alice Blanton's class look at each other knowingly these days whenever she takes an unruly child out into the hall.
    27. The presence of an unruly Afghanistan blocking easy access to Central Asia is a problem.
    28. Yet his orderly new life is soon disrupted by a host of wackos, among them a sex-happy fundamentalist, an unruly former cellmate and a local "UFO pastor."
    29. "Radner needs little provocation to yank up her sweater and show off her newly `fat' stomach, and after eight months of baldness, her unruly brown hair (with a bit of gray at the temples) has grown back in a thick thatch," according to the magazine.
    30. In a rare display of solidarity, the usually fractious and unruly opposition on Sunday announced its decision to resign, citing an auditor's report on inconsistencies in the 1986 purchase of artillery from a Swedish firm.
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