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 Tijuana [ti:'hwɑ:nə, -nɑ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a Mexican city just to the south of San Diego on the Lower California peninsula; popular among American tourists for racetracks and bullfights

    1. Dale Cozart, for example, presides over the Border Patrol's San Diego Sector from an office on the edge of Otay Mesa, overlooking the distant bright lights of Tijuana.
    2. We think about two out of five make it across." At the northern end of the pipeline, two Salvadoran and three Guatemalan women shared a cramped cell in the Tijuana city jail.
    3. Felix regularly lampooned Tijuana's elite in his gossip column, "A Bit of Something."
    4. Two men have been detained by the Mexican police. Cardinal Posadas, who was 66, had been cardinal in Guadalajara for nearly two years, and had previously served as bishop in the cities of Tijuana and Cuernavaca.
    5. The PRI confirmed it lost the race in Tijuana, across the U.S.-Mexico border from San Diego, according to Notimex, the government news agency.
    6. Padres, 61, had conducted similar sessions for about the past month at his house in a shantytown east of Tijuana.
    7. Meanwhile, officers from city, state and federal police departments in Tijuana waited south of the border as hundreds of people fled up the south bank and through holes in the chainlink border fence, the paper said Thursday.
    8. Tijuana has cleaned up its act.
    9. "We lost our monopoly on immorality," says Emilio Ortiz, the manager of a Tijuana cabaret put out of business by U.S. competition.
    10. Crowds of PAN supporters waving banners and beeping car horns celebrated into the morning hours in the Baja California cities of Mexicali, Tijuana and Ensenada, where Ruffo served as mayor.
    11. If I make it this time, maybe I can bring my family next year." Authorities say that most of the violence against illegal aliens is perpetrated by Mexican nationals who wait in the brush, attack their victims and cross back into Tijuana.
    12. Tijuana's charms included a block-long bar, a gambling joint where Al Capone lost half a million dollars and a floor show headlined by a half-dressed contortionist billed as the Pretzel Woman.
    13. Juan Manuel Salazar, president of the Action Party's municipal committee in Tijuana, said Saturday he filed a complaint with the state election commission alleging that election officials were preparing to allow multiple voting with forged documents.
    14. A 22-year-old auto body repairman who recently moved to Tijuana from Culiacan, he said he wanted "a little of the Lord's coin.
    15. In Tijuana, Zenaida Ochoa, one of six children in the same family who work at maquilas, wonders how long she can continue.
    16. Gone are the U.S. sailors who once took indecent liberty in Tijuana's dives.
    17. They are in Tijuana on the U.S.-Mexican border, throughout South America, in Southern Europe, and in Southeast Asia.
    18. In almost every border town, from Matamoros to Tijuana on the California border almost 2,000 miles to the west, their true calling seems known to all.
    19. Founded in 1962 in Alpert's garage near Los Angeles, A&M's first release was "The Lonely Bull" by The Tijuana Brass.
    20. Even then, however, a sexual revolution in the U.S. was beginning to spell the end of Tijuana's long debauch.
    21. They were transferred on July 21 from prisons in Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo and Tijuana in a special operation by federal agents.
    22. Also that year, Miss Bellamy married Los Angeles broker Logan F. Metcalf in Tijuana, Mexico.
    23. He's weighing the purchase of a large, plastic "Creature from the Black Lagoon" statue that he spotted in Tijuana.
    24. The plant is in Tijuana and is designed to serve markets in North America and in Europe.
    25. Hilda Patricia Neira, a researcher at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte in the border city of Tijuana, said the law will likely fuel a black market in false documents.
    26. "We think Mexico should study how to design its own politics in this area according to its own principles," Navarro said at the Tijuana meeting.
    27. In the most recent acknowledgment of Chicanos by the Mexican government, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the front-running candidate in this year's presidential election in Mexico, met with Chicano leaders in Tijuana, over the border from California.
    28. One of the buses was traveling from the border city of Tijuana to Mexico City and the other from Mexico City to Mexicali, also at the U.S. border, he said.
    29. Most recently, columnist Hector Felix Miranda of the outspoken weekly Zeta in the northwestern border city of Tijuana was fatally shot April 20. Police believe the man arrested May 1 may have been a triggerman acting for others.
    30. The blaze broke out in the one-story Centro Commercial Blanco Libertad shortly before 6:30 p.m. Sunday and destroyed up to 16 businesses, said Tijuana Fire Department dispatcher Ruben Garcia.
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